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(Uranus Pov)

"S-stay here! Ill go warn the others about this alright?" Neptune nodded.

(Mars Pov)

"Earth say someting please!" I yelled and got no response. "Hey Venus and Mars, what are you doing here?" I turned around to see it was just Earths moon. "Oh umm..." "we were checking up on Earth.." Venus said in response. "Why? Did someting happen to him.?" Luna asked us, clearly starting to get worried. I moved out the way for Luna to see the traumitized planet next to us. "W-what happened here.?" Luna said staring straight at Earth. "We dont know, he was like this when we got here. He hasnt said a word." Venus explained. Luna went closer to Earth and reached for his face as Earth flinched. "H-huh.?" Earth muttered, seemingly confused. "Earth what happened, tell me!" I yelled making Earth face me." "I-i dont remember..?" "What..?" Venus said in confusion. "I dont remember..." "S-surely you remember someting, like how did you get this black liquid on your face.?" I said in pure concern. "What black-" He stopped as looked at what was dripping on his arm. "Wha- WHAT IS THIS!?" He panicked and looked around at us. "W-we dont know, thats what we wanna know!" Luna said trying to calm Earth down.

(Jupiter Pov)

"Jupiter, Saturn!" I heard someone yell and turned around to see Uranus. "What is it Uranus?" "S-some Iris guy hurt Neptune and is planning to do the same with Earth!" "What." Saturn said clearly already pissed off at whoever this 'Iris' was." "How exactly is he planning to hurt Earth.?" I asked Uranus. "I-i dont know b-but Neptune was all bloody when i came up to him!" "Do you know where this 'Iris' might be right now?" "Probably Earths orbit.?" "Saturn-" I turned around to see Saturn already heading to the goldilock zone. "Alright, thank you for infoming us about this Uranus." I said and went after Saturn.

(Timeskip to when they got there)

(We love my dear timeskips dont we?🎀)

"Mars, Venus, Luna what happened here?" I asked the three but before they cuold answer Saturn saw Earth. "Earth, my baby! What happened to you?" He yelled out as he went closer. "The ting is he doesnt remember." Venus said in reply. "What.?" Saturn replied confused. "Thats exactly what i said." Venus commented. "Earth is there anyting you do remember? I asked in hope for someting. "Well i do remember some.. orange planet coming up to me asking me my name i think.?" "You dont remember anyting else?" I asked once more. "I dont think so.." He answered looking down into space. "Uhh... hey everyone, whats going on here?" Everyone turned to see Mercury Coming up to us. "Holy stars- What happened to you Earth!?" Mercury yelled out as soon as he saw Earth. "Thats what we wanna know, pipsquike" Venus said.

Im preeeettty sure i spelled 'pipsquike' wrong but yeahhh... See you in the next one, again!
Word count: 507

GHE au (Earth and Iris mostly?)Where stories live. Discover now