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I dont have much to say, once again.
Lets get on with it folks! 🎀

(Uranus Pov)

No one managed to figure out what Iris mutating Earth cuold do and Earth didnt figure out what it cuold do to his earthlings either. Mostly everyone was silent ecxept Venus and Mars, who were talking to eachother and Luna, who was giving Earth ideas on what the mutation cuold do. I was thinking of it myself, what cuold it do exactly? Why was Iris doing this to Earth specifically? I eventually looked around at the others to see if they might have thought of something and i saw that Neptune was leaving to somewhere. I told Earth i was gonna go check on Neptune, he nodded in response and i went after Neptune.
(You might just have guessed whats happening next.)
Neptune stopped and Iris appeared in front of him, he had bandages around his waist because of what happened earlier. Neptune immediatly summoned his trident, pointed it at Iris and asked him. "What does the mutation do?" As Neptune asked Iris this i got suprised, since i thought only Earth had gotten mutated. "You mean to you, Earth or his earthlings.?" He asked creepily. "All of those." Neptune responded, staring at Iris, right into his black eyes. "Oh, well with the earthlings~ they are just gonna catch a few mutation diseases... they might just turn into zombies if they arent careful!" Iris responded happily. "And the case with me and Earth.?" Neptune kept questioning Iris. "That we will have to wait and see! Now do you have any other questions or shall i leave?" Iris asked Neptune. "If you dont leave ill stab you again.." Neptunes hatred for Iris cuold really be seen right now. "I wuold punish you for that if i wasnt injured." Iris threatened Neptune, with that being said Iris dissapeared. Neptune put his trident away and started coming back to the way Earths orbit was. I quickly went back to Earth so Neptune wuoldnt know i was watching that, atleast not yet. "I figured out what the mutation cuold do to the earthlings." This wasnt that helpful as we were trying to figure out what it does to Earth but i guess it cuold still be useful somehow. "What is it!?" This was exactly what Earth wanted to know. "Well as i said they cuold catch some diseases but they might also turn into zombies... if they arent careful." Neptune responded and Earth went quiet.

(Earth Pov)

They might turn into what now? No way, a real life zombie apocolypse might happen? No, no, no, no, this cant be happening, it cant. How cuold i let this happen..?

(Uranus Pov)

I didnt actually know what zombies were but i knew that they werent anything nice if thats what mutation does to eartlings. I looked down at Earth, since this was about his earthlings after all, so he must be worried. He looked shocked, concerned, everything in between, though that was understandable since he cared about his earthlings a lot. "Earth, are you doing okay?" I ask him. He looked up at me with a few tears welled up in his eyes, he wiped them away and answered. "Im fine.." It wasnt very believable. "If you say so.." I said looking away from him a bit.


Chapter 13: done
Yeyy, i litterally cant wait for my birthday anymore!! The party is in 4 days though its actually in 5 days.
Enough of that!
Words : 590

GHE au (Earth and Iris mostly?)Where stories live. Discover now