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Hello, i dont know how im gonna continue from what happened in the last part but ill figure out something...

(Jupiter Pov)

"Jupiter!" I heard someone yell and turned around to see who it was. "Yes, Mars?" I saw it was Mars coming up to me, he looked worried. "Luna said something is wrong with Earth but he didnt tell us what!" "Ill come see what is wrong."

(Skip to when they got to Eaartthhh~)

"Is everything alright here?" I asked the planets surrounding Earth. "We dont know, Earth told me that he didnt feel too good so Mars went to get you to help. But he started bleeding all over again!" Luna answered surely worried about his planet. "Earth does it hurt?" I asked. "Y-yes!" He shouted in response. "Shuold you change those bandages?" I suggested to them. "I guess we shuold.." Luna said in a quiet voice. He took the bandages off just for the black liquid to start streaming down Earths face again. "Please hurry.!" Earth said in a kind of tone where you cuold hear he was in pain.

(Im sorry im not very good at writing this story 🤓)

(Neptune Pov)

"Neptune, are you here?" I faintly heard Uranus yelling for me. "Oh! Your little friend is here, huh?" (Guess who🤠)
"Leave Uranus alone Iris.." I said pointing my trident at him "Fine, im just going for you and lovely Earth after all!" Iris said as he left to who knows where. I put my trident away and started heading to Uranus. "Hey cousin!" I yelled as i got closer to Uranus. "Bloody hell Neptune, you scared me." "Sorry?" He sighed in response and continued writing in his diary.

(Earth Pov)

(Yes im skipping the parts where i dont know how to continue from, why? 😊)

"Are you okay now.?" Luna asked me after he was done changing the bandages. "I think im fine for now.." "Asking you again, do you remember anything else?" "I dont know.." I answered Venus. "Just think of the name Iris, im sure you will remember something atleast." Jupiter reminded me of his name and i instantly remembered something. "Seems like he thought of something?" Venus said to the others as they all just stared at me. "A third eye appeared." I said quietly. "Huh.?" Mars didnt hear what i had said.
"A third eye appeared on his face.." I said louder, now everyone heard it.
All expressions went to
just shock.

Bye agaaaiinnnn! =)
Word count: 421

GHE au (Earth and Iris mostly?)Where stories live. Discover now