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I dont have much to say so, on with the story.

(Nobodys Pov)

"Neptune, what exactly wuold Iris mutating Earth or his earthling do?" Jupiter asked as he looked over to Neptune. "Im not sure but the earthlings wuold probably develop some kinds of diseases." Neptune answered. "Not like deadly diseases right.?" Earth asked Neptune. "You shuold still be more worried about yourself than them, but i dont know what kinds of diseases they cuold be." Neptune answers again. Earth really doesnt seem to wanna give up on his earthlings. "But wh-" Earth started asking Neptune something but got interrupted. "Earth we need to figure out what he did to you. The earthlings can wait!" Mars was the one to interrupt him. "That is true." Jupiter added before Earth cuold say anything. "We know you care for the earthlings but youre our main priority right now." Luna stated. "Fine.." Earth responded.

(They have been trying to figure out what Iris' mutating cuold have done to Earth but Earth just wanted to know what it cuold have done to
his earthlings so he didnt even try to help himself)

"Has anyone figured out like... anything?" Venus asked everyone. They all just shook their heads or responded with a simple no, they hadnt figured out anything at all. Neptune had many ideas of what Iris cuold have done with that mutating but he didnt wanna worry the others too much if he was wrong. He stayed silent and kept thinking, you know why he was thinking extra hard? It was because he was also mutated, he hadnt told anyone about this and he wasnt sure what it did to him either but he was determined to figure it out and put a stop to Iris. One way or another.


Its pretty short again, i know but i dont know what to write and also i have other stuff to write so... bye!
Word count: 324

GHE au (Earth and Iris mostly?)Where stories live. Discover now