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Kalpana Eswaran never made it to Camp Half-Blood. 

Her father, Karthik Eswaran, and her had just moved to California from India not even three days ago when Kalpana had been attacked by this large one-eyed man. She was walking to her favorite samosa shop in Los Angeles when he came chasing after her, yelling about how would take revenge on the brain child. 

Panicked, she ran to her small apartment and locked the door. Her father who had been making chai in the kitchen looked up at her, but his eyes had widened at the banging on the door. He quickly untied his Kiss the Chef  apron and pushed the couch against the door, hoping that it would prevent the intruder from breaking down the door.

Kalpana stood still in fear as she watched her dad run room to room gathering things and putting them into a backpack. He ran up to her and handed the backpack and gave his daughter a big hug. "I should've known. You're past 13 and your scent just becomes stronger." Her father muttered under his breath before meeting her eyes. "I know it might be confusing now, but go find this camp. They will explain everything there, even your mother." 

"What do you mean-" but Kalpana didn't have time to finish her sentence before the one-eyed man bursted through the door. He shoved the coach away and shouted in pain when Kalpana's father threw a vase at the large man's eye.

"You must go!" Her dad yelled. Kalpana was going to protest, but he had already shoved her to the fire escape and urged her to go down. 

With teary eyes, the girl looked up at her dad . "Will I see you again?"

He gave her a sad smile. "Of course, Kannamma."

She climbed down and heard a cry of anger coming from her dad as he charged back inside the apartment to fight the man. Then it went silent.

Kalpana Eswaran never saw her father again.

She was now 24 and in college, studying to be a doctor in The Golden State. The authorities had found the girl 9 years ago passed out on the middle of the road halfway across the country muttering about her dad and a one-eyed man. They decided to put her in an orphanage near her old home where she grew up. After she turned 18, her father's small fortune was given to her.

With the money, she decided to go to college and try to build a future for her. In college she never really had any friends. Everyone was already in their own cliques and didn't want the immigrant girl to be called as their friend. 

Even though she knew she may never have friends, she practiced on perfecting her American accent every night, so people would praise her and start hanging out with her. To her disappointment, she only got made fun of more when they caught her biting her tongue when she accidently rolled her Rs.

However, she caught the eye of a blonde man as she strolled through the campus grounds while she tried to memorize some of the new terms she learned in class. He admired the way she kept her head up even after the things people said about her, how she huffed every time a piece of her long black hair fell in her face, and even the way her perfect, chocolate brown eyes glared at him. She always tried to beat him in class, but he would always get 1st and she would 2nd which pushed her to study even harder. Kalpana promised herself that she would grow up to be the best doctor because that her father wanted when she was younger. 

Suddenly the girl tripped on her own feet. She flew her arms out in front of her to prevent falling on her face, but she felt someone grip the back of her backpack, causing her to stay afloat in midair. 

𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐜 ➵ 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧¹Where stories live. Discover now