: ̗̀➛ 𝗢𝗡𝗘 cupcakes, creepy teachers, and a dance of disaster

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Right after Devi had gotten out of school her mother had picked her up in her beaten-up, grey Toyota Corolla to drive her to Bar Harbor, Maine for her first-ever mission. Somehow they arrived at their destination in two days and stayed the night at this smelly, old motel. 

Devi felt her stomach do jumping jacks. Even though she had been at camp since she was five for every quest, she usually didn't get called for quests or missions and never minded it. She enjoyed training at camp with her friends and siblings, and not worrying about accidentally getting killed. However, Chiron had voluntold Devi for this mission since there weren't many kids that were at camp at the time.

She was a bit embarrassed that she couldn't come with the other demigods, but she couldn't say no to her mom. The only times she saw her mother was for dinner since she worked at a very busy hospital. She missed the times when she was younger and her mom would take her to the zoo where she would stare at the snakes hoping for them to talk to her and wreak havoc on everyone like in Harry Potter.

The entire ride Dr. Kalpana Eswaran had been her lecturing her daughter about being safe, and double-checking if she had all the items she needed. Devi's ADHD acted up when she was nervous, so instead of listening to her mom, she tapped the rhythm to Cotton Eye Joe while imagining what she was going to do when she got to Westover Hall.

When the large school came into view she grabbed her backpack. The school was all black stone, with towers and slit windows and a big set of wooden double doors. It stood on a snowy cliff overlooking this big frosty forest on one side and the gray churning ocean on the other.

She saw her friends and Percy standing outside waiting for the girl. 

"Make sure to be careful!" Devi's mom yelled out to her.

She kissed her mom on the cheek and waved goodbye. "I will! Bye, Amma! Drive safely!"

Her mother looked back and nodded before she headed over to join the other demigods.

"If that was any of your business, Percy—" Thalia had started, but then stopped and saw the Daughter of Apollo walk over.

"Devi!" Annabeth ran over and gave the girl a warm hug. Thalia gave her a side hug and Percy glared at her. The Son of Poseidon and her have never gotten along since Percy's first capture of the flag. He likes to blame her for the reason that he got beat up by Clarisse and her lackeys by the lake. Technically it was her fault, but she had apologized and he never accepted it. And if there's one thing about Devi, it's the fact that she holds mean grudges.

Whenever the two were seen with each other they were arguing. They always argued over the littlest things. For example, who was going to get to ask Annabeth something first, or whether kitchen duty should go to? The Poseidon Cabin or Apollo Cabin? (Percy escaped kitchen duty every time because he brought up how he was the only one that was in Cabin 3), or clean the bathrooms.

"What are you looking at, Jackson?" Devi raised an eyebrow.

"Your ugly fucking-"

"We'd better get inside," Annabeth interrupted before things could escalate. "Grover will be waiting." 

Devi gave him a hard glare and rubbed her arms slightly because of the cold. Her coat barely helped keep her warm in this icy weather. The snow crunched under their feet as the demigods started to head over the large doors.

Thalia looked at the castle and shivered. "You're right. I wonder what he found here that made him send the distress call." 

Percy stared up at the dark towers of Westover Hall. "Nothing good," Percy guessed. 

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