chapter 9

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As the Krieg pirates went to disembarked from the gallon to raid and take the restaurant. A gaint flying blade attack cut the ship in half. A small coffin like boat sailed closer, and they could now see it was Mihawk. The Krieg pirate all wondered why he had followed them. Mihawk had said he was bored, and they had interrupted his nap. Zoro gripped the rail of the going Merry and had a wicked smile on his face. Luffy had easily gotten Gin to her ship and currently was being looked after by Kaya. Luffy now standing next to Zoro was worried. She didn't want to get in the way of his dream, but Mihawk was a master in Haki. While Zoro was nowhere near his level at the moment. She let him go, though, and he was now standing on a piece of the broken gallon. He managed to talk Mihawk into fighting him but used his smallest blade. Zoro saw it as a joke until he attacked, and all of his moves were blocked with ease. He was frustrated and looked at Luffy. She was sitting on the rail with a look of worry on her face. She knew what was going to happen but she knew she couldn't stop it. If Zoro were to grow as a person, then this needed to happen. He looked back at Mihawk. He then coated his white blade in his mouth with haki. Mihawk eyes widened just a little bit, then went back to normal quickly. This swordsman has probably just started learning haki. Considering he could only do one blade. This green haired man was intriguing. Mihawk glanced over at who he guesed was the mans captain. He could tell she had strong haki and was probably the one who was teaching the green haired man.

Zoro did one last attack, and Mihawk ended up shattering two of his swords. Zoro sheathed his white sword and turned around with his arms out. Mihawk was intrigued by this man and asked for his name. Zoro told him and also answered his question about why he turned around. Saying wounds on a swordsman back brings shame. Mihawk smiled and delt the last blow, sending Zoro into the sea. "Johhny, Yosaku, get him!" Luffy yelled at them, and they did as asked.

Luffy was pissed and jumped back off of the rail with her hands still attached to the rail. She streatched her arms and launched at Mihawk, pulling her sword out mid-air. He still had his black blade out and sensed something coming. He moved to block the attack, and their Hakis clashed. It split the sky, and the on lookers were shocked. Gin had wide eyes as he watched their clash. Was this what true power looked like? Everything was being moved and blown  by this power he had no name for. The ship he was on was even moving. It felt so strong, but he could feel some underline things he couldn't quit name. Freeing, maybe? He didn't know what to think now. He was just going to watch and see what happened.

Sanji was just in awe of what he was seeing. This girl was strong and fearless as she had just launched at Mihawk. This power he was feeling rolling off of her was something he had never felt before. It felt soothing, caring, freeing, and pissed at the same time to him. He had no idea how he was feeling the power that made him want to fight with her. She cared so much for her crew. She was willing to even fight a warlord for the green haired guy.

Luffy was finally having fun even if she was pissed at the guy. He hurt Zoro, and for that, he would pay. But this was also the first fight in ages where she could use more of her power. She wanted Gin to understand that Krieg wasn't powerful at all. Those numbers meant nothing in a fight against someone like Mihawk. Luffy and Mihawk broke apart. They both jumped back and had their sword at the ready. "You hurt Zoro, and for that, I will give you a scare." Mihawk was shocked someone in this sea could use haki, so we'll. It was that of a master and not some rookie pirate. 

"You may try to." He said confidently. He saw a straw hat hanging from her neck by a string. So his was the girl Shanks wouldn't shut up about. Interesting.

"But it has also been a long time since I've let loose. So I want some fun too." She said with a smirk and Mihawk smirked as well. She then launched at him spinning once and imbued her sword with Haki. She swung her sword, and he blocked just in time. It had looked like she disappeared and then reappeared to those who didn't have haki. Mihawk noted how fast she was. Shanks really did train her. Their clashing haki created winds again as they kept up attacking and blocking each other. The piece of ship they were standing on was starting to crack under the pressure. Luffy managed to get past Mihawks gaurd once and left a wound on his face. A slash up from his left cheek to his forhead. She missed his eye, not wanting to blind him. He backed up, and his hand reached up to the wound. He looked at his hand, and his eyes widened. He looked at her, and he saw a frown on her face. "I don't like doing stuff like that, but it's payback for hurting Zoro, and I never go back on my words." Luffy said, sheathing her sword. He put his sword back on his back and smirked. Now this had been fun, maybe he should find her again and have a duel. Kind of like what he does with Shanks.

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