chapter 13

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I am sorry it has been a while, but I had a death in the family. Im back now and with a long chapter for all of you.

It took them a couple of days to get to Cactus Island. They had gotten turned around once in a snow area. Nami realized how right Luffy had been and now kept better track of the log post. They were now getting closer to the island when the two freeloaders thanked them and jumped off of the ship. They then swam the rest of the way to the island. The whole crew looked at them with a what the fuck just happened expression. They sailed closer, and people were surrounding the docks chearing at their arrival. Luffy frowned and felt something was off. She felt with her haki malic and deception coming from everyone. She pulled Zoro close to her, and he looked down at her with the same expression. "Something isn't right." She whispered to him.

"Yeah, I can feel it too." Zoro said. Then Gin walked over with a frown as well. "You noticed too?" Zoro asked him, and he nodded.

"Something is off." Gin said, looking around. His instincts were telling him not to trust these people.

"Gin." Luffy said quietly, and he looked at her. "Go tell the others to be on gaurd."

"Got it, Captain." Gin said and walked away. When he told the others, Ussop and Kaya were confused. These people seemed nice. He just told them not to fall for it and that it may be a trap. Nami had said she was already on guard. She had been training her observation haki when she can. She was becoming quite adept in a short time. Sanji also already knew something was up.

They docked and everyone there was cheering and welcoming them. A weird looking guy with a speech impediment told them they were throwing them a party. A party broke put in the local bar. The crew went along with them and played their game for now. They partied hard and ended up passed out on the floor. The people who welcomed them then left to talk amongst themselves, leaving the crew alone.

Luffy was lying on the floor, and when she heard them leave, she sat up. She looked around and Zoro, Sanji and Gin walked over to her. Luffy did a kick up to stand up and landed with no sound. Ussop, Nami, and Kaya walked over afterward.

"Alright, Ussop, Kaya, and Nami sneak to the ship and get it ready to set sail." Luffy said in a whisper. "Zoro, Sanji, and Gin, you're with me. Let's take them out. No one else is going to lose their lives to these people." She said, and everyone nodded. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Gin snuck out of the building. They found a spot on top of a building where they sat on the edge looking at the big group of people. Luffy was in between Zoro and Gin with one leg bent and her head resting on her knee. Zoro already had one of his new swords out, resting it against his right shoulder. Gin had his weapons in hand. One was resting in his lap. The other was sitting on the roof with his hand resting on it. Sanji was standing behind Luffy with his arms crossed over his chest. They overheard the group saying they should kill their crew. Luffy glared at them as did the others. "Hey!" Luffy yelled. They all looked up at Luffy, whose eyes were glowing red. "Didn't think we would run into Baroque Works right out of the gate." She said.

"They tried to recruit me at one point. Mercenaries and assassins with a code about secrecy. Not much known about the boss either." Zoro said, clueing in Sanji and Gin about who they were. The group looked shocked that they knew who they were. It was making them mad.

"You know, people like you sicken me. Anyone who lures people in and then kills them are scum. I hate it." She said, glaring at them. Her glowing eyes glared at them, and some flinched. "We are taking you out!" She yelled. Zoro and Gin stood up and grinned like the devil. Some of the agents got up to the roof, and Sanji took care of them with a spinning kick, throwing them off of the roof. They screamed as they fell, and Zoro and Gin launched down. Getting into the thick of the agents wanting to have some fun and test themselves. Zoro was having an easy time dodging everyone using his haki with his eyes closed. He smirked at how it was getting easier with every dodge to predict where the next attack was coming. They were way slower than Luffy. Gin was also using a bit of haki, although it would come and go. So he mainly relied on his instincts. Sanji stayed with Luffy as protection. He knew she didn't need it seeing how strong she was. He would train every day so he could get to her level. Then, he could truly protect her instead of her protecting them. He knew it was how the whole crew felt. Some agents got up to the roof again and met the same fate as the last group. "Sanji, go fight with the others. I want to see how far you all have come." She said as she watched Zoro and Gin fight. "Keep an eye out for the blue haired girl. She isn't like the others. Her emotions aren't that of a mercenary or assassin." Sanji nodded and went down with the others.

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