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    I wouldn't call what my mother had a befitting burial,
She had no grave stone and I could barely afford to purchase a bag of cement to cast her grave.
None of my paternal relatives came or assisted in any contributions for my mother's burial, they were probably happy that the witch who had killed their brother had finally gone down on her own.

For tradition, I was made to shave my hair, join the women in washing my mother's body and drank the water afterwards.

Almost immediately after my mothers burial, my fathers people came for the little land properties we had left; Causing me to sell all our furniture, kitchen utensils, my mum's clothes and most of mine too.

The house rent expired and so; I moved out of the apartment with no where to go, but with the little money I had gotten from selling everything- I hoped to find a cheaper space to rent... not until I was robbed; robbed of the only money I had and my sanity.

My grand-parents from both sides were late... and just like me, my mum was an only child- so I had no maternal uncles or aunties to run to now that the Earth didn't rotate in my favor.

          I roamed the streets with no one to help, only the heavens knew how I got fed. Most times I stole food, other times... I begged. I had no family, no friends.
I roamed out of Umueze clan; my village, into Obi Omimi; the main city, just so I wouldn't get burnt alive for stealing from the same place twice. I already began to think like a thief. I was a thief.

Before my parent's demise- they invested so much in church projects and even planted homes for the less privileged, the table truly turns you know, because now; I have become the less privileged... not just a less privileged,  but a less privileged who was now being neglected by the church of which her parents laid its foundations.

I remember knocking from house to house, begging and asking to be employed as a house servant or even a nanny; well, I was just so naïve to have ever imagined anyone would let a stranger like me into their home to work, talk more of giving me a shelter space.

At the age of thirteen, I was raped and even more demoralized and ashamed than I knew myself to be, I finally made some friends who taught me to survive and make money the street the manner they knew how to.

I went into prostitution and of course- prospered in it since it had a negative bearing. I sold hard drugs to yahoo boys before I then introduced myself into taking them.

I was taught the 101 of the streets- "someone always gets hurt, make sure it's not you!"

Since I had already been rapped, prostitution wasn't really something I thought twice about before getting into; grabbing this bull by it's horn wasn't so much of rocket science... I mean; except from the fact that my dignity and values were left to drown in the mud.

The streets had its rules; and even at fifteen, I was still yet to get acquainted to its adaptation skills...and that was when I met my boyfriend, Ekene Agu...
To survive in Umueze clan, you are either reinforced with financially stable parents or have the most popular cultist as a boyfriend or brother. I had no parents, no siblings, but I had a rich yahoo boyfriend who gave me all the protection a cultist could give the person he loved; he was so popular and dangerous; he was a drug mule who proudly smuggled drugs and transported them through country borders without getting caught.

Ekene loved me, very much. He pulled me out of the prostitution game and gave me life beyond the streets, We  lived together in the same house- and even though we had bad times- he still got me flowers...after hitting me mercilessly; but unlike my dad to my mum, he was truly sorry and made sure to apologize every-time he hit me.

I didn't care about what was good for me; I had him, and that was enough!
He said the only reason he hit me was because he loved me, and that made me sad because I killed my dad for showing my mum the exact love my boyfriend was presently showing me.

I started to portray the same characters as my mother, just like my mum... the principle responsible for all my failures in life was me. I was hell-bent so naïve towards the things of necessity.

"He said the only reason he hit me was because he loved me, and that made me sad because I killed my dad for showing my mum the exact love my boyfriend was presently showing me."
This is that exact moment when you judge yourself for being caught up in the same things you've judged other people for.
"You judge someone out, you might judge yourself tomorrow".

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