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Y/n: i fucking hate stupid florida my hotel room is so hot i hate it here
Y/n: can this case be done with already im BOILING MY TITS OFF

Emily: loser my room is nice and cold

Y/n: fuck off

Spencer: You can come to my room if you want, it's pretty cool in here. :)

Y/n: OKAY !!!! 😊😊🎀

Derek: No no no no no
Derek: My room is right next to Reid's PLEASE don't have sex 😭😭😭😭⁉️

Y/n: gonna have sex extra loud just to annoy you

Spencer: ???

Y/n: just joshing chat

Emily: no way you said joshing 🤨

Derek: Who is Josh 🙄🙄⁉️💯

Y/n: me 👅

Hotch: You changed your name to Josh?

Y/n: no im joking

Derek: Silly man

Y/n: its okay

Y/n: its okay Y/n:

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Emily: is that you

Y/n: yeah

Emily: cute

Y/n: thanks 😉

JJ: Derek.

Derek: Yeah?

JJ: STOP reacting 🙄 and 🤓 to my songs on airbuds before I jump you


Derek: Ur guys music sucks more dick than me

Y/n: thats not difficult considering u get NO bitches 😭😭💯

Derek: Fine then it sucks more dick than Y/n when she's with Reid

Y/n: nnmnggf🤤

Emily: girl.

Hotch: Can we keep our conversations related to the case? Or at least semi appropriate

Derek: Define semi appropriate

Hotch: Don't say anything in here that you wouldn't want to speak about with your parents

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