CHAPTER 17: Let me satisfy you

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I am sorry for the wholesome readers. 



When I flutter my eyes, he's gone beside me. Was it all a dream? I sit and rubbed my eyes and saw him standing with a smiling face.

"Time check, it's already eleven in the morning, let us eat my lady," he said.

Thank goodness this is real. I can't help but smile as he lends his hand and assist me to stand. I shyly looked at him and he just slips his hand on mine as we walk to the table.

"Let's not think about anyone, just US," he said and pulls out the chair for me.

"But no PDA please, let us keep this as private as possible."

He just nodded as he takes his seat beside me.

"Let me feed you," he beamed while he cuts the meat.

"No, I'm not a child to be fed."

"Please," he then forked the sliced piece of meat and brings it just inches away from my mouth.

"Don't treat me like a bab..." he suddenly puts the tip of the fork with meat inside my mouth leaving me no choice but to eat it.

"F*ck you. Let me eat alone. I find that too sweet and it feels sh*t," I said as I chew the meat and swallow.

"I'm just trying to..." he was trying to explain when I stuck one whole slice of bread in his mouth. I laughed hard seeing his ridiculous full mouth.

He then takes his revenge by smudging the steak's sauce around my lips.

He laughs hard too and I just gave him my signature killer glare. He stopped from laughing and calms himself. He swallowed the bread and now he's looking deeply into my eyes. He's making me weak again as he draws his face closer to mine. My heart is thumping so hard as he gently licks the sauce.

"You taste yum," he mumbled.

"You're so horny," I said as I push him away. "Let's just finish this meal."

"Don't you feel horny too?" He asked grinning.

"Just eat."

"Okay, then after this, let us take a shower together."

"I already showered this early morning."

"You smell like sauce so you don't have a choice but to shower."

"You're really horny huh?"

"I really am," he said seductively.

I then felt his hand squeezing my thigh. Sh*t I'm feeling horny too. He's giving me chills all over my body. I swallowed hard.

"Let me seduce you after we finish this," he said it with his sexy raspy voice.

He then removes his hand and focused on eating.

After finishing the meal, he stood and began unbuttoning his shirt. He gives me a devilish grin and I can't help but giggle. He removes his shirt, revealing his fine abs. I bite my lips and shyly look down realizing that this is too much. He then walked to my side and held my face making me chin up and face him.

"I know this is wrong but I promise I'm going to make everything right."

"Please, don't leave Cassie for me."

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