Chapter 2: Big-Boy/Little-Girl. (part 4)

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It took The girl 10 minuets to calm down, eyes red with a running nose.

Getting the napkin he cleaned her face, then mad her blow her nose in it.

Putting the napkin down he gave her the bottle, the poor thing was so thirsty she drained the whole thing in seconds, and with a satisfied "Uhhh!" she gave him the bottle.

That was when he noticed her features. She wore black and red, strangely sharp, clothes, a back pack on her back and the white hair, what was New was the 2 bolt-like horns on her head, a long black tail that ends with a triangle and the red wide eyes with two cute and fluffy white goat ears, what did shock him was her appearance !

She looked human! Like a 6-7 years old girl cosplaying as a goat girl from Japan, a stark contrast to the Demons he fought just bit ago. The little Gray Matter and Brainstorm in his head told him something was off, there WAS a difference between the once he killed, but he could feel them being the same kind. But the girl? She was like from another world, or rather they were from another world as he felt like the girl was right, that she Belongs here.

Putting those thoughts in the back of his mind for later he smiles at the girl "Felling better now?".

The girl for her part went red in the faces, hiding her face under her bangs as she looked down, not without nodding tho.

"Hahaha that's great! NOW do you want the cookie or not?"

At the reminder he her eyes brightened with stars, like a small sunset, with lots of red, Blood red to be exact but still a sunset! "Cookie!?"

Laughing more he brought the cookie to her, she Took it and devoured it in a swift motion! No trace of tears or whatsoever "heh Kids, so easy to change there emotions." the irony that he, a kid, said that went over his head.

Using the clean side of the napkin he cleaned her face from the crumbs he asked "Will, did you like it?"

Nodding her head, he contentious "That is good, now this May be a bit late but introductions are in order! My name (as of now) is Cannonbolt!"

Titling her head she asked, "Your name is Ka-Naune-Ball?" laughing at the name.

At that Ben, had no response, Cannonbolt does spell like that, so he goes for simple "You know what? You can just call me Mr. Ball! How does that sound?" receiving a nod he asked her "Oww aren't you just adorable?! What is your name you lil' cute demon?" he said that While pinching her cheeks, he will never say it out loud, but he can understand why great Aunt Vera loves removeing the flesh from their cheeks, the reactions are too good to pass on!

And sure enough she puffs her red cheeks, not deciding either she should remove his hand or keeping her arms crosses While glaring (*cough cough* pouting cutely *cough cough*) at him in the face "I am NOT cute! Or little! And my name is Krampus!"

Cannonbolt, removing his hands in mock surrender, laughed a little at this "Hahaha sorry sorry. Anyway nice to meat you Krampus! Now what a nice big girl like you is doing here?"

That made the little demon's eyes water right away "I-I-I was e-with my mo-auntie whe-when suddenly-"

Without a single thought he hugged her, cutting her from her thoughts "Shh it is Okay, it is Okay, I will take you back to your mom Okay?"

At that she looked at him in hop "R-Really? You promise?"

Ben smiling he brought his hand to her, closing it except for his 'pinky' "I don't just promise you, I pinky promise you! So not even if all of Hell came at me to stop me? They will fail at stopping me!"

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