Chapter 3: The Pranking, The Tired, The Monster, The Sadist. (part 4)

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"Hello!" Sometime Ben would forget his aliens' powers are unknown to most and only he and few others memorize them all, more so if said alien is among those he likes to prank with. And so when he appeared in front of the demoness it went over his head that, in fact, it is startling if a ghost popped out of the void.

"AAAAHHH!" and it does not come as a surprise as said demoness hurt her leg even more than it already is.

"OH my God I am so sorry! Are you alright miss?" the second he said that he slapped himself on the face 'Of course she is not alright you idiot! What kind of question was that!?' shaking his head he floated near the injured woman, who by now was glaring degrees enough to make Heatblast sweat, said glares were aimed at Ben who rubbed his head awkwardly.

"Who, or What, May you be? I have never seen a demon like you before."

"Err, will, you see I am- WAIT! That doesn't matter now! You are injured! We must get you to a doctor or something!" panicked Ben started to inspect her, messing a small smile from the demon.

"*Sigh* It is fine, it will heal on its own, so don't worry about it. Anyway thank you for the saving me down there, I would not have survived them if you did not intervene."

That made Ben rub his head (OR more likely the back of his moth) from embarrassment "Oh, you are Welcome! That was nothing, but I thought you would dislike how I-" worried, he gestured to the over 2 dozens of Demon corpses below them.

Liking his awkward nature the female demon laughed (darkly) behind her hand "slaughtered them like lambs attacked by wolfs? No,not at all. I even enjoyed it~"

That in return resulted in the Ghost alien to blush a bit and rubbing his head in a shy manner (even If Zs'skayr no longer a part of Ghostfreak, some of his original attitudes are still there, such as finding no issue in using extreme and deadly methods and even enjoying it.)

And only then did he notice her appearance, and now how it was changing, her horns are like that of a sheep's yet in a bolt shape, now turning to little nubs like an extra cute sheep in a kids show or book. Her hair is as white as Krampus's but in a sheep's wool-like wavy hair style, with a ponytail on the back if her head. With her eyes now being big with a soft look with black bags underneath them, unlike their previously stat as slit pupils and full of blood Lust. And of course an arrow-tipped tail.

Finally she is dressed in a professional black and red secretary clothing with dark pencil skirt and glasses with black knee-high boots and gloves. And somehow an ID that was not damaged.

Before Ghostfreak could say a thing the demoness beat him to the punch "This May be a little late but please let me introduce myself. My name is Penamonica and I am from Hell's customer service, how can I help you?" with that she smiled a tired, forced, and pained smile at him.

Ben was shocked by the fact Hell has customers as a whole, but he closed his unseen open mouth and coughed in his fist and intrduced himself "Nice to meet you! My name is, will, I go by many names, but as of now you can call me Ghostfreak! And rather than you helping me, how can I help you?"

"Thank you, but I am Fine, really." to proven her point Penamonica tried to stand up, which failed as when she applied the smallest of pressure on her injured leg she hissed in both pain and anger, as her features turned to her angry face.

Seeing the worried look at the ghost she sighed in defeat as she relaxed and sat, her face turned to her calm one. "Okay, I do need help, but I don't think you can, unless you carry me all the way to the capital and I will not subjugated you to that."

Ben 10: Between Aliens And Demons (shortened) Where stories live. Discover now