Chapter 4: Strong Lust. (part 3)

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Four Arms stood still with wide eyes, hands firmly on the girls to keep them safe.

The demoness did not wast time as she charged at him again. Reading himself to jump again as he could not fight in his current circumstances.

Thankfully for him Pandemonica came (shouted) to his rescue. "Modeus! STOP WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!?"

That stopped the blood covered girl on her track as she looked at injured girl. "P-P-Pandemonica!?"

"Yes, that is me. Can you please explain to me why you are covered in blood? And why are you attacking us?"

Not up to challenge the Secretary of all Demons in Hell, she let her weapon disappear and straightened her pose. "W-Will, you see, there was a portal that opened not that far away from here, and from it strange creators started coming out. The blood on me is theirs, as I had to fight them, and I May or May not gave became bloodlusted back there."

Pandemonica had a series but felt worry as she looked at Ben. But before either of them say a thing Modeus asked them first. "Ummmm, Pandemonica? WHY you did not tell us that you were m-m-m-married and had a kid already!?"

It took both Ben and Pandemonica 10 seconds to process the question, before slowly looking at each other. Then they screamed. Face as red as Four Arms' skin (for Pandemonica at least, Ben was just even more red).

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" unbeknown to them, Krampus smiled at this.

Frantically Pandemonica answered her "NO! WE ARE NOT MARRIED! NOR DO WE HAVE A KID! HOW DID YOU GET THIS IDEA!?"

Ben was not fair ring any better "OH COME ON! Why does everyone think that I am a father!?"

Modeus for her part started poking her fingers at each other and answered. "W-will, the way he is carrying you, as will as the little child. The there of you look like a m-married couple." If she was not hot before now she was at the temperature of an oven.

As for the couple, will, Pandemonica was massaging her temple to sebdue the headache she is feeling, while Ben was just standing with his mouth open like a dead fish (if only he was as Ripjaws now).

"*Sigh* Look Modeus, we are not married. Mr. Ball her saved both me and little Krampus from trouble. He is carrying me duo my injury as I am too tired to use a proper healing spell.

That mad the embarrassed demoness relax a bit, still as red tho. "O-Oh, is that so?" "Yes, so there is no need for you to worry." "O-Okay. WAIT! You are injured!? Where?!"

Pandemonica winced at that, but shows her cast leg Anyway. "Here, if it was not for him (pointing at Four Arms) I would have been dead by now."

Now Modeus was confused. "But how? You are one of the strongest Demons I know of! Hack you are stronger than me and I have pretty much single handedly destroyed an entier army!"

Now it was Pandemonica'turn to go beat red "I, was kind of tired, TOO tired to defend myself efficiently."

The glare she got from the heart-eyes girl was deserved. "Pandemonica! How many times did we tell you to stop working too much! That's it! From now on you will Not work as much anymore! Is that clear?"

Pandemonica was too tired (and relaxed) to fight back, so she let out a sigh before nodding. "Okay, I will reduce some of my workload from my schedule."

The answer made Modeus nod strictly. "This is better. But what about your leg? It must hurt right?" Pandemonica denied that with a shaken of her head. "Not really, no. After Mr. Ball worked at my leg it started to feel better, originally we thought of heading to the castle for me to heal there, but now that you are here maybe you can help me instead?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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