Chapter 3: The Pranking, The Tired, The Monster, The Sadist. (part 2)

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In Hell

Ben, as XLR8, was running for about 10 minutes now.

In this short time he discovered 3 things:

1-Hell was staring?, like the place is full of rooms that are puzzles? He did not wast time on them as he could just jump over them, something Krampus found delight in.

2-The place is hard to run fast in, in high speeds the lands blend in together, resulting in running being a torture.

3-Finally and most importantly, he is getting tired and fast ! He spent more time as XLR8 running faster than he is now without breaking a sweat, but now? He feels like he is about to collapse!

Slowing to a stop over a small cliff, he put Krampus down softly before falling on his setting down, panting loudly.

That got Krampus to worry, as XLR8's mask with the sound of wind made his panting while running inaudible.

"Mr. Ball? Are you okay?"

Not wanting the small demon to worry he forced a smile even tho he can barely breath "I-am-Fine!-You-don't-have to-worry."

That was a complete lie and he knows it. Even Krampus isn't believing him with how worried she looked.

Deciding he gotta go-slow for a change he went for the Omnitrix, after the glow what was a blue dinosaur is now a white ghost, even tho he does not need to breath, yet he was panting softly, that was how tired he is.


The worry from the demon girl was replaced with awe at the new form "Ooo another one! What can it do?!"

Eye smiling at her (no way will he ever uncover his true face to her or anyone) he indulged in her antics "Will you see, this one is a Ghost! And he can-" he suddenly stiffened, in the corner of his eye he saw something strange, making the eye move to the direction in the black lines. Ignoring the 'eewww gross!' from his tiny companion.

Turning his body to direction his eye is facing (still staring in the same point, but moving in the Black lines) and flying closer to the edge he looked down.

His gaze turned to a cold glare.

Down there were Demons just like the one he annihilated half an hour ago, not as much tho, about 20 to 30 at best. Cornering a demon woman like Krampus

However unlike those he killed these appeared to be quiet maimed, with few bodies lying around motionlessly ahead.

While they looked bad, the one they are trying to take down looked abet better than those still alive, as she was covered in blood, both hers and that of the downed/damaged Demons, but her movements are shabby, like an injured limb. Not counting her tired poster, like she is about to fall any second now.

Krampus being curious tried to get a peak, however Ghostfreak's clawed hand blocked her way, "Hey, I have to go down there," facing her with his body but the eye in its place. "I want you to go and hide, don't come out until I return is that clear?"

Feeling a little fear from his eerie voice she nodded.

"Good, now go."

Krampus did not know why, but she did just that, a feeling of dread washing over her. And so she went to the furthest rock from the edge and hides behind it.

When Ghostfreak saw the fear on her he felt a little guilt. But he did not let that stop him as he had more urgent MATTERS, and so he started to scan the area. Spotting a small clearing, his mouth smirked with an evil smile. "Will. Who wants to play peekaboo? "

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