Chapter 4: Strong Lust. (Part 2)

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It was a normal day in Hell, the weather is the same, never changing from the last millennia, the screams of the damned were as soul chilling as ever, and every demon were doing their tasks.

Overall, a normal Day for the local tormentors of the sinful.

One such is a demoness with (like all other Demons) white hair that is unruly, with some strings going down to eyebrow level, with 2 segments on the side of her face reaching her chest that ends in a zig-zag manner. A red turtleneck sweater and a black blazer over it. boots and a split pencil dress, with red leggings underneath it. Her black horns are small and simple pointing up. Her tail is normal with it being black tri-tipped.

She Also has a body that of a super model, with wide hips. Thin waist. And a big bust of which she has her hands on most of the time.

What is strange about her is her eyes. While similar with the rest as she has red irises, she has white pupils that are heart shaped instead of black dots or slits. With red hearts surrendering her head, forming a semicircle. With an ever present blush.

All in all, she is what people would call 'Criminally Beautiful', not too much, nor too little.

The Demoness, Modeus the Lustful demon, was returning to her home after a job will done at the pit of desire.

While she was walking by the cave of bones, Few skeletons, about 30, where standing by.

Only for a portal to suddenly open about half a mile away from her. Despite the great distance, the portal was big enough it was clear even from fare away. Its colors were a strange mix of black blood-red, toxic greenish-purple and lastly pale yellowish-gray that were swirling between each other, strangely enough, without actually fusing together.

This peaked the love demon's interest as she went over it, abandoning her original path. The skeletons too went after her.

While walking strange creators started flying and walking out of it, they were all with different sizes and shapes. Most of them have some sort of animalistic traits, such as bull skulls, bird/bug wings, lizard skin. Etc...

But among them were things unnatural even among these monsters. Walking/Flying piles if flesh and bones and teeth, most of them are deformed and have limbs in places that should never be. And others that are tall and thin, covered in a bloody armor, with horns and bones everywhere.

Yet despite all of that she kept on walking towards them. Not phased by the numbers spawning.

Only when she crossed half the distance did the demons take notice of the approaching demoness, as they started moving towards her in cautious, the warnings of their masters clear as day. And when the last of the bigger monsters crossed the portal it was closed.

When they did meet in the middle, Modeus sprang something at them, so much so that most of them were taken back.

"You and me, now." She said it to the one leading them so casually any sane person would run as fast as they can. The skeletons ready to fight.

But not these guys. Even tho they are stronger than the other waves they are still as dumb, courtesy of the leader, a Manticore/Dog hybrid. "Will, we are in a hurry, and we should kill you. But I can't say no to a free fuck, and I don't see why we can't keep you around until we get board of you then dispose of you, so why not."

Turned out this was the wrong thing to say to her. Yes even tho most of the demons now are effected by Modeus's charm, but some are trying (and failing) to stop ogling her and close their watering mouths.

So they didn't focus on her pulling a big black sledgehammer with a white skull in the middle out of nowhere. "They always say that, then they try and run away, I can't let that happen again. So I will have to break your knees, just in case."

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