Chapter 3: The Pranking, The Tired, The Monster, The Sadist. (part 3)

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Pendemonica was having a bad day, as Hell's customer service main employ her workload was more than most, not counting her, special, condtion, making her always tired.

But today was significantly worse than it normally is, from strange sightings to the sky changing colored, but what really sealed the deal was how portals don't work!

And so she was asked to uncover the problem, and between that or dealing with angry demons you can't reason with she took the later.

And due some sick joke the portal she and few others worked, as they used things like rocks and the undeads to test it.

Seeing no issue she mad one herself for testing further.

The second she put one foot in it the portal exploded.

When she regained her senses she found herself out of the building, even the city, "..... *Sigh* Of course something wrong must happen when I want to test something!"

Deciding that staying put won't solve anything she took a look at her surroundings.

She was at the base of a small mountain with a clearing ahead of her. "Hmm, it seems I am at the outskirts of the ring. *Sigh* I must start walking, the feaster I return the less piled up paperwork to deal with."

However, and before she took 10 steps she dodged a fist that went for her head from behind.

Looking at the attacker, or rather, the attackers, a group of mismatched creatures, each of them has some sort of animalistic parts.

Frowning at them as she studied them, she readied herself. 'Strange, I have never seen those things before, yet they feel like demons. Whatever, right now I must get away and fast! '

Infront of her was a big demon with horns and spike all over him, apparently being the leader. "Will Will Will! What do we have here? A lone lady in this harsh place? Don't worry ma'am, we will take good care of you!"

Glaring at the laughing things the tired demon prepared for a fight "I am sorry, but I would rather go back to my work than spend my time with some weaklings. So if you could be so kind and leave me be."

"Now Now lady, there is no need to act all stuck up! Just let me and my guys have some rounds with you and everyone will walk away happy! You will even enjoy it-"

Getting closer he tried to intimidate her with his size, Sadly for him she did not care as she slashed him on his face, (forcing him to falls back a good distance away her) making half of his face useless.

"RRRAAAAAHHHHH YOU FUCKING BITCH! YOU WILL PAY! EVERYONE ON HER!" at their leader's command the creatures charged at her, all with glares.

Taking distance from the demon holding his face. Focusing on the coming horde. Closing her eyes and opening them, what was wide tired eyes are now slits that are full if blood lust and her mouth is menacing glare, her small horns grown to more lightning bolt like shape, her hands changes to be pointy claws.

What followed was a mix of Pendemonica punching, slashing, dodging and even killing few Demons.

Focused at the scorpion she did not notice the rhino demon charging at her, and when she did it was too late as he slammed at her, throwing her to a far away wall.

Not losing time she Stood up, only to find her leg bruised as she limped. Retreating to the wall behind her, arms extended threateningly as she looked at the demons surrendering her. While she has no issue with those numbers, but her exhaustion combiner with the fact she did not fight in a long time saw to her current possession.

Glaring at them she did not close her eyes. Not showing a bit of fear.

Then suddenly she felt herself falling back in the wall behind her.

Seconds later she emerged with a scream. Opening her eyes she found herself in a small clearing, limping to the edge she looked down she felt a little funny at the terrified look they gave as they turned away.

Then a ghost appeared out if thin air.

Their reaction was comical as they fell over, and the ghost agreed as it laughed at them.

After some talking she unable to hear, they attacked the phantom, and failed miserably as they harmed themselves only.

Then the big rhino charged. And the ghost just looked at it with a bored expression. Then it turned black? Just as the demon was about to collide with it he went through the ghost, impaling his head into the wall.

Then the ghost throwed a rock at very high speed, that one impressed the sadistic demon, tho it disappointed her that the horde of Demons(?) just walked away, with the ghost making its way to the mountain wall.

She was so focused at the ghost that she messed the sudden turn the demons toke and how the scorpion was the last of them, so it scared her how he impaled it!

But before fear could take over her or jump at the laughing back stabbers he started laughing, the kind that would give the worst of Demons a pause, then he turned to the scorpion, and crushed his head like it was nothing.

Floating up it tore its body, or the skin covering, revealing a body of the depths of horrors.

What happened next mad Pendemonica blush as he turned them to a bloodied pile of corpses, 'That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen~!'

And as there eyes/eye met it winced at her as she disappeared after.

Confused she looked around, trying to find her savior, "Hello!" "AAAAHHH!" and she jumping back, straining her leg even more so, as said savior appeared out of no where right in front of her. Falling back the injured demon hissed as she held her leg in pain.

To be continued.

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