Chapter 3

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Yang Mi was so excited when she entered her room. She ignored the moderately furnished room that beyond her taste and was practically daydreaming about what a beautiful and extravagant life she would have with her soon-to-be husband. She had the blessing of Cheng and Mrs. Xiao. She believed that Mrs. Xiao could influence her husband,. Although Yan li was proving to be a hard nit of crack, Yang Mi figured that with time, she would have no choice but to warm up to the soon-to-be junior Mrs. Xiao Yang Mi.

"Wow!" she said is a hushed voice, caressing her lips with her right fingers and biting her lower lips gently as she imagined Zhan kissed her.

She walked up to the mirror in the room and called Zhan's name She gazed at her reflection as though she had magically invoked Zhan's spirit.

"I can't wait to have you," her eyes widened. "You will be mine and mine aloe," she said with such a fierce fire in her eyes.

Yang Mi picked up her phone and dialed her mom's number. Immediately her mom responded, and Yang Mi half screamed in enthusiasm.

"Mom, he kissed me," she lied, "I can tell he's crazy about me. He couldn't even take his eyes off me for a second."

"Oh honey," her mom said, "Who in his right senses could resist a goddess like you, I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you, Mummy, he is even bringing me home."

"Interesting! I know you both would make a lovely couple and this would strengthen the bond between the two families. I'II let your dad know of your progress. See you soon."

"Okay mom," she said and hung up.

She was about to dial Silvia's number when she got a call from Zhan.

"Hi," she said in a sweet and bewitching voice, I've not been able..."

"The rain has finally stopped, let's go," Zhan cut her off ended the call before she could begin her poor acting.

Yang Mi frowned slightly at this but remained cheerful as she reminded herself of the need to win Zhan over. She came out of her room expecting Zhan to be waiting at her door and was shocked to see the good-for-nothing receptionist smiling sheepishly at her and saying that Mr. Zhan was waiting for her in his car.

She walked angrily to Zhan's car after raining plagues and destruction on the receptionist. When she entered the car, she slammed the door shut. Zhan didn't say a word as he wasn't in the mood. All he wanted to do right now was drop her off and head home.

"How could you send that rude receptionist to my room? Imagine the animal making advances at me," she faked being hurt and even wiped an invisible tear.

"Sorry about that," Zhan simply said and drove off.

Finally, they arrived at her luxurious mansion.

"So how about lunch or dinner tomorrow, my treat?" She said with a smile.

"I'II check my schedule and get back to you," Zhan said without showing any interest.

"Good night and see you tomorrow," Zhan said as she stepped out of the car.

"Good night," Zhan replied and speedily drove off.


Yibo slept late the previous night creating new and inspirational! designs in his fashion book titled, "Yibo Wardrobe Of Fame.

Back in his days of fashion school, he and created masterpiece designs, and ever since then, she kept inventing more elegant and sophisticated designs, a few of which she voluntarily shared with F&K fashion.

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