Chapter 11.1 Xie Fan : Cold-handed Manager ( English Version )

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Note From NyanNyan: I want to confirm that the description in this Xie Fan chapter is written in English, translated from Indonesian. I am not a native speaker, nor do I major in literature, so I hope you can forgive my vocabulary errors in the Xie Fan description. Since Xie Fan's PoV and Yibo's PoV both take the first-person perspective, I decided to write Xie Fan's part in English.

"Do you want me to wake you up or will you get up by yourself?"

I opened his bedroom door wide, but I saw he was still sleeping under bed cover.

If I continue to count to three, he will lift his hand even if his eyes are still closed. One.. Two..

"I... I'll get up by myself." He swaps his hands onto the pillow. It only takes a few seconds to make him fully awake.

"Wake up! I'll make you breakfast!"

He just follows me to the kitchen while obediently waiting at the dining table.

It's not like I want to be his housemaid, but today is not an ordinary day. There are many things I want to ask him.

I only cooked whatever I found in his fridge, and he acts like a spoiled kid who doesn't want to eat his food.

"Do you want me to feed you?" I'm starting to lose my patience.

He looks at me with a bit of surprise. "Nn... Nah," even his gaze seems confused about how to react.

"If you don't want me to feed you, then eat properly."


"Now tell me, what actually happened yesterday? Why did you go out with that kid from Xiazhen on your day off?"

He doesn't even glance at me and keeps eating his food like a young master, as I ordered.

"Do you intend to stay silent until you finish your breakfast?"

"-Ge... should we keep speaking in English? I like us talking like we usually do."

Even he says it with a little stammer.

"Like what? Like the moment you want to say whatever you want to me and make up lies as an excuse to spend your vacation with him? Can't you see that I'm still angry?"


Now he looks like a kid who feels guilty towards an adult. I can't take this for long. Should I act like a vicious dog and give him the cold shoulder? Maybe I should change my mind about being his manager if I can't handle this kind of behavior from him. Maybe I shouldn't expect too much from him.

"Oke. Sekarang, katakan padaku. Apa sebenarnya ini? Kenapa kau bisa bersama anak XiaZhen itu? Bagaimana kalian bisa kenal? Karena dari foto-foto yang ada, aku tahu kalau kalian bukan hanya kebetulan bertemu. Kenapa kau bisa-bisanya berbohong padaku untuk bertemu dengannya? Dan kenapa ini menjadi disaster buatku kemarin karena masalah yang kau buat? Katakan yang jujur, Aku tidak mau ada kebohongan di sini"

He didn't argue with me right away nor answer me immediately. He just enjoyed the breakfast of sunny-side-up eggs with bread and sausage that I gave him. What's so good about the eggs I made? Earlier he felt like eating grass. Why did that change? It took me five minutes to let him answer my questions.

"We're not gay, -ge. We're friends."

He's biting his chopsticks without looking at my face.

"Ooh! So, we'll start speaking English again?" He's got to be kidding me. You chose to speak Chinese and now you're speaking English without realizing it? His startled reaction is not a joke.

Be My Boyfriend ( YiZhan Fanficion )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang