Chapter Eleven

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As the woman enters the restaurant with her coat pulled up and a pair of ridiculous sunglasses on anyone would think she came prepared to take part in a fucking bond movie. Not a simple sit down to discuss our combined interests.

It's so pathetic it actually has me laughing. But each to their own I guess.

I was rather surprised when Bogdan informed me that Hugh's very own assistant was trying to reach out to me but hey here we are.

He stops her before she gets to my table and frisks her much to her dismay and from her mortified expression something tells me she's nots used to this side of Hugh's life whilst sitting up in his pretty offices.

When he finally lets her through her bravado is back in place as she clip clops her way over to me, swaying her hips and it's a job not to roll my eyes. I can just imagine how put out she's been after probably pining after Hugh for years only to be displaced by Anastasia. Whom he shares with his brothers when I'm sure this one would have happily offered herself up.

When she takes the seat opposite me my newest associate takes the one next to her and her body god ram rod straight, the surprise inescapable.

"Ashley" she gasps, her eyes flickering to me and back to him. "I thought you were dead"

"Not quite Lydia" he chuckles and then gives her a wink. "Don't worry darling you can stick suck my dick now I'm back"

She blisters as if his statement is completely out of turn but the flush to her cheeks says everything I need to know.

She couldn't get to who she wanted so she settled for the pathetic little cousin.

Tapping my finger on the table I bring the attention back to the matter at hand. When Lydia's cat like eyes fall on me I speak.

"You sought me out so start explaining what it is you want" I say sternly not willing to waste anymore of my time.

"I want her gone" she answers quickly.

My fists curl on the table at the edge to her tone that tells me exactly she means by 'gone' and she has anything thing coming if she thinks that's going to be the case.

"I've overheard conversations between Hugh and his brothers" she quickly says noticing my frustrations and clearly knowing her role being close to the brothers will be of interest to me.

"And what type of conversations are they?" I say leaning forward in my chair keeping my gaze locked with her.

She swallows hard all bravado gone as she replies "They think you're still making a play for her" her voice quivers and I almost feel sorry for her.

"They're not completely stupid after all" I grumble looking to Ashley and roll my eyes.

"Hugh's always planned on squeezing Petrov out with the help of Rossi" she looks to Ashley who nods confirming her words "well that plan hasn't changed" she then informs me as if she actually thinks they have a chance and that does make me want to laugh.

God the naivety around here is astounding. Protection rackets and drug smuggling is fucking laughable compared to what I do.

I fucking arm wars. Fund politicians and heads of states all over the world. Not forgetting how I provide them with the tools to satisfy their darkest desires.

It's no comparison.

I'm playing this game because it's fun. I could have had Anastasia collected at the click of a finger. The sooner people realise that the smarter it'll help them become.

"I don't care about what he has planned" I scoff completely unthreatened "I only have one interest here" I admit with a shrug.

"Anastasia?" She grumbles clear distain in her tone. "Well good luck getting anywhere near her she's promised to keep her distance without them present" she scoffs then quickly trains her features when I scowl at her.

"Has she?" Interesting.

"But I happen to know what her movements are at all times thanks to Hugh's new security detail" Lydia then adds proudly and fuck is she irritating.

Bogdan must notice my patience wearing thin because he pulls his gun out his jacket slightly and gives me a 'should I?' look which has me smirking.

I give him a subtle shake of my head and direct my attention back to the peroxide blonde in front of me.

"I can track her down without your help" I inform her my voice stern. Then I stand bringing the conversation to its ends.

"You'll feed me the information as and when I need it, until then just keep your ears open" I inform her without room for discussion and rightfully so she nods her agreement "Once I'm done they'll want her gone and then you can have your man"

As I walk past the table towards the exit Ashley follows me but I put my hand up to stop him. "Close in on the shipments, cripple them before our meeting Wednesday" I say without waiting for his agreement and then I walk out to my waiting car where Bogdan stands holding the door open for me.

"Arrange a meeting with Zara" I say to him as I slip into the back of the car. "I've got an event that needs planning" I then say and he smiles giving me a nod as he closes the door.

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