Bonus Chapter Three - Part One ❤️

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I've always thought Stas was beautiful, from the moment I first saw her I could see how truly beautiful she was it's the whole reason that's the name I choose to call her.

But in truth nothing compares to the way she looks right now.

Especially when she's wearing one of her tight fitted full length dresses she is now as she walks into mine and Cian's gym.

These dresses are my favourite thing to see her in other than one of them all in one things she wears. Both hug her breasts which I'm sure have doubled in size in the last few months and that amazing ass of hers.

But in truth it's her swollen stomach that I'm in complete awe of.

Her eyes automatically start searching for me and my twin and when she doesn't see either of us I can see that fleeting flicking of panic. Then as soon as she spots me her whole face lights up, a beaming smile spreading across her face.

Her hand automatically goes to her stomach in that protective and comforting way that she does and I could swear if my heart could burst it would every time she does it.

Then in true Stas fashion she heads over to the reception desk and quite literally throws herself onto one of the chairs behind the with next to no grace at all and pulls out a cheese pretzel.

Likely to be one of many she's had today.

Cian must have spotted her from the camera's in the office because he appears and makes a B-line straight for her. He bends down to kiss the top of her head and just like she did his hand comes down stroke her stomach. The way he cherishes her is evident in every action and every glance.

Abandoning putting the weights back I head towards the two of them just in time to hear Cian attempting to reassure her, which has become a common theme recently.

"But what if there is something" she says rubbing her stomach, worry etched over her features.

"Have you felt him kicking?" Cian asks his tone calm and steady like it always is with her.

"Yeah all morning" she replies and her shoulders sag a little.

The further along she's got in the pregnancy the more her anxiety has spiked. Even though every scan, blood test and doctors appointment has resulted in the same outcome.

Them telling us that our little baby is growing as expected, he's perfect already but Stas still panics constantly.

"Hey beautiful" I say greeting her mirroring the actions of my twin. Kissing her head and stroking a reassuring hand over her stomach. "Everything's going to be okay, you've heard it from the doctors" I say slipping into the conversation.

She looks up at me her eyes glistening with unshed tears and I can see the battle she's fighting with herself.

She's terrified and we can all see it.

We all know that in her head she's convincing herself that something's going to go wrong and she's going to loose him. The trauma from Natalia evident. The difficulty she had getting pregnant didn't help either.

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