6| You And Only You

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Nischay and Aarohi's love story was one of passion, laughter and unforgettable memories. Their friendship began in college, where Nischay, a reserved literature student and Aarohi, an exuberant fine arts major met during a campus festival.

One afternoon, while Nischay was engrossed in a book under a tree, Aarohi approached him with her sketchpad in hand.

"Hey, mind if I sketch you?" Aarohi asked, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Nischay looked up, surprised. "Um, sure. But why me?"

"Because you have an interesting face," she replied with a grin. "And I have seen you here often. You seem... different."

Their conversations started from there and flowed effortlessly, turning into late-night discussions about books, art and life. Aarohi's vivacity was infectious, drawing Nischay out of his shell.

One evening, as they walked by the lakeside, Aarohi suddenly stopped and turned to Nischay. "What do you want out of life, Nischay?"

He thought for a moment. "I want to write stories that touch people's hearts. And you?"

"I want to paint the world in colors no one has seen before," she said, looking at the sunset. "And I want to live those colors with someone who understands me."

Nischay felt a warmth spread through him. "Aarohi, I think I might understand you more than anyone else."

She looked at him, her eyes reflecting the setting sun. "I think you do."

Their friendship blossomed into a deep, passionate love. They were inseparable, creating a world of their own filled with creativity and dreams. Nischay would write poems inspired by Aarohi, and she would paint canvases filled with their shared moments.

Years passed, and their bond only grew stronger. They decided to build a life together, a small cottage on the outskirts of the city, where Aarohi's paintings filled the walls and Nischay's books lined the shelves. They spent countless nights under the stars, whispering dreams and hopes to each other.

But life had a cruel twist in store. Aarohi began forgetting things---small at first, then gradually more significant. She would misplace her brushes, forget names of colors and sometimes even lose track of time. They visited a doctor who confirmed their worst fears: Aarohi had early-onset Alzheimer's disease.

"I do not want to forget you Nischay," she sobbed one evening, clutching him tightly.

He held her close, his heart breaking. "You won't, Aarohi. I wull remind you about us every day. Our love is stronger than any disease."

As the disease progressed, Aarohi's condition worsened. Nischay took care of her with unwavering devotion, reading her favorite books, showing her their old photographs and describing their adventures in vivid detail.

One day, as they sat in their garden, Aarohi looked at Nischay with confusion. "Who are you?" She asked softly.

He swallowed the lump in his throat and smiled. "I am Nischay, your Nischay. And you are my Aarohi, the love of my life."

Aarohi's moments of clarity became rarer, but Nischay's love never wavered. He continued to create new memories for her even if she could not remember them. They celebrated their anniversary with candlelight dinners and he described their first meeting over and over, hoping to spark a glimmer of recognition in her eyes.

On one such evening, as he held her hand, Aarohi had a fleeting moment of clarity. "I love you Nischay," she whispered, tears in her eyes.

"I love you too, Aarohi. Always," He replied, kissing her forehead.

Aarohi passed away peacefully a few months later, leaving Nischay devastated yet filled with cherished memories. He continued to live in their cottage, surrounded by her paintings and his books, a testament to their undying love.

Years turned into decades, but Nischay's love for Aarohi never faded. He wrote stories about their life together, preserving every detail in words, ensuring that their love would never be forgotten.

One evening, an old friend visited Nischay. "How do you keep going, Nischay? After all these years?" She asked, her voice filled with concern.

Nischay smiled gently, looking at a painting Aarohi had made of them. "Because she is still with me, in every word I write, in every memory we made. Loving her more and more each passing day is how I honor her. Our love was, and always will be eternal."

Nischay's enduring love and the memories he held onto became a beautiful tribute to the life they shared, proving that true love transcends even the greatest of life's challenges.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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