24| Rivalry To Love

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Abhyudaya and Gautami worked at a prestigious marketing firm, both known for their competitive spirits and exceptional skills.

Their rivalry was well-known in the office, often pushing them to achieve greater heights. However, beneath the surface, there was an unspoken tension that neither of them fully understood.

One day, their boss called them into his office with an exciting yet daunting announcement.

"I have got a big project for the two of you," he said, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "It is for our biggest client yet and I need you two to work together and deliver something spectacular."

Abhyudaya and Gautami exchanged a glance, their competitive instincts immediately kicking in.

"Sure, we can handle it," Abhyudaya said confidently.

"Absolutely," Gautami agreed, her tone equally determined.

As they started working on the project, they found themselves spending long hours together, brainstorming ideas and perfecting their strategies. Despite their initial reluctance, they began to appreciate each other's skills and perspectives.

One evening, as they were working late in the office, a sudden power outage plunged the entire building into darkness.

"Great," Gautami muttered, fumbling for her phone. "Just what we needed."

Abhyudaya chuckled, using the light from his phone to navigate. "Let us take a break. We cannot work like this anyway."

They made their way to the office kitchen, where they found some candles and snacks. Sitting on the floor with their makeshift dinner, they started talking, the competitive edge between them softening.

"You know, I used to think you were just trying to outdo me all the time," Gautami admitted, her expression thoughtful. "But now I see how passionate you are about your work. It is....impressive."

Abhyudaya looked at her, surprised by her honesty. "I thought the same about you. I guess we both have been a little too focused on winning."

Gautami smiled, the candlelight casting a warm glow on her face. "Maybe we should try to understand each other better."

Abhyudaya nodded, feeling a strange warmth in his chest. "Yeah, I think we should."

As the power outage stretched into the night, they continued talking, sharing stories about their lives, dreams and fears. The more they talked, the more they realized how much they had in common.

The next morning, the power was restored, and they resumed their work with a newfound sense of camaraderie. The project progressed smoothly, their collaboration becoming more seamless and productive.

On the day of the presentation, they nailed it, impressing their client and their boss. The success brought them closer, but it also left them with a new dilemma-unresolved feelings they had developed for each other.

One evening, after wrapping up their work, Abhyudaya decided to address the elephant in the room. He found Gautami in the break room, staring out the window.

"Gautami, can we talk?" He asked, his voice steady but his heart racing.

She turned to him, sensing the seriousness in his tone. "Sure, what's up?"

"I have been thinking a lot about....us," he began, searching for the right words. "Ever since that night during the power outage, I have realized something. I do not just see you as a competitor or a coworker anymore."

Gautami's eyes widened slightly, but she did not interrupt him.

"I have developed feelings for you," Abhyudaya admitted, his gaze fixed on her. "And it has been confusing, considering how we have always been rivals. But I cannot ignore it any longer."

Gautami took a deep breath, her heart pounding. "Abhyudaya, I....I feel the same way. I tried to push it aside, thinking it was just because we were spending so much time together. But it is more than that. It has become more than just a normal evening I ended up spending with you."

Abhyudaya stepped closer, hope flickering in his eyes. "So, what do we do now?"

Gautami smiled, a mixture of relief and happiness washing over her. "I guess we figure it out together. No more rivalry, just us."

He reached for her hand, holding it gently. "Just us," he echoed, feeling a sense of peace and anticipation for what lay ahead.

From that day on, Abhyudaya and Gautami navigated their new relationship with the same dedication they brought to their work, discovering that sometimes, the greatest successes come from the most unexpected collaborations.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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