38| Unbreakable Bonds

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Navya is pacing in the hospital corridor, her face pale with worry. Nischay arrives hurriedly, concern etched on his face.

Nischay: Navya, how is your mom?

Navya (her voice trembles): She is in critical condition. They just took her into surgery. I am so scared Nischay.

Nischay (wraps his arm around her): Auntie is in the best hands Navya. Your mom is strong, and so are you.

Navya (sighs): I do not know what I would do without you here. Thank you for coming.

Nischay (in a soft voice): You do not have to thank me. I am always here for you, no matter what.


Nischay and Navya are sitting in the waiting room. Navya's father, Mr. Kapoor is talking to the doctor nearby. Nischay holds Navya's hand, offering silent support.

Navya: Nischay, what if something ends up happening to her? I do not think I can handle it.

Nischay (gently squeezes her hand): Do not think about the worst, Navya. Think about the good times, about her strength. She is going to pull through this. I know it and so should you.

Navya (nods): You are right. I need to be strong for her. She has always been there for me.

Nischay: And now you have to be there for her, just like I am here for you.


The doctor approaches with an exhausted but hopeful expression. Navya and Mr. Kapoor stand up immediately.

Doctor: The surgery was successful. Mrs. Kapoor is stable, but she will need time to recover.

Navya (with tears of relief): Thank you, doctor. Thank you so much.

Mr. Kapoor (pats Navya's shoulder): My wife is a fighter, just like her daughter.

Nischay (smiles): I knew she would make it through.

Navya (hugs Nischay): I could not have gotten through this without you.


Days pass, and Mrs. Kapoor is slowly recovering. Nischay visits the hospital every day, bringing food and support for Navya and her father.

Navya (sitting by her mother's bedside): Mom is looking better today. The doctors say she might be able to go home soon.

Nischay (hands her over a cup of coffee): That is great news Navya. You have been so strong through all of this.

Navya: Only because you were here. I do not know how to thank you.

Nischay (smiles): You do not need to thank me. Friends are supposed to be there for each other, right?

Navya (her eyes well up with tears): You are more than a friend Nischay. You are family. A close part of my family.


Mrs. Kapoor is finally discharged from the hospital. Navya, Mr. Kapoor and Nischay help her settle back at home.

Mrs. Kapoor (smiles weakly): Thank you Nischay. You have been such a great help to Navya and our family.

Nischay: It was nothing Auntie and you do not need to thank me. I wanted to be there for you and for Navya and I am glad to see you doing better.

Navya (hugs her mother): We are so happy to have you back home Mom.

Mr. Kapoor (shakes Nischay's hand): We are very grateful to you Nischay. Thank you for everything and for being by our side at all times beta.

Nischay: I just did what anyone would do for someone they care about.


Nischay and Navya are sitting on the porch, watching the sunset. Mrs. Kapoor is resting inside and Mr. Kapoor is preparing dinner.

Navya: I have been thinking a lot about everything that has happened. You were my strength when I had none.

Nischay (looks at her): And you have shown me what true resilience looks like Navya.

Navya (smiles): I could not have done it without you. Our bond is unbreakable.

Nischay (smiles back): And our bond always will be. No matter what life throws at us, we will face it together.


Their friendship, tested by adversity, emerges stronger and more resilient. Nischay and Navya's bond, rooted in unwavering support and deep affection stands as a testament to the power of true friendship.

The end☺🌼

More oneshots coming soon, stay tuned🌸🤗


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