Haunted by His Presence

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There again  I was standing near the same window, looking at the view in front of me.
I couldn't help but think about what my grandmother said after some time have passed there it was again, that same feeling I felt last night, same presence, but this time it felt like he was closer.

I closed my eyes not daring to look back it felt like he was right behind me

"Jeongin?" I softly said, and I heard a response back..


I felt him getting closer his hands found my waist, gently holding me. I took a deep breath feeling his hands roam around my body. He leaned down and whispered

" y/n, such a pretty name.."

He leaned down my neck and I felt his warm breath against my skin. He gently kissed it
He slowly lifted his head to see the expression on my face. My eyes were still closed, savouring the lingering feeling of his touch.

I heard a small chuckle leaving his lips. He leaned down and pressed another kiss on my skin, this time gently sucking on it leaving a faint bruise
sending shivers down my spine.

"I wanted to apologise about last night, I didn't mean to scare you" He whispered and kissed down my neck once again.

He lifted his head and gently brushed my hair
"You should get some sleep now love"
I turned around to face him, his hands never leaving my waist. I've never seen him this close
His gaze meet mine made my heart race.

"Meet me in the library tomorrow at midnight."

He pressed one last kiss against my forehead and I closed my eyes when I opened them he was already gone.

My heart was still racing from everything that happened. I got into bed and stared at the ceiling, thoughts running trough my head. I could still feel his lips lingering on my neck it felt like it happened just a minute ago but at the same time it felt like eternity. Longing for his touch I tossed and turned, unable to find a comfortable position.
After what it felt like forever I fell asleep, hoping I'll dream of him so I could see him again...


I heard his voice calling out my name


"y/n wake up"

I opened my eyes to see my grandmother sitting on the side of my bed

"Good your awake, I made breakfast!"

"Get ready and come downstairs"

I got dressed and headed downstairs to see that the kitchen was empty. Suddenly, my grandmother came into the kitchen.

"Were going to be eating outside, the weather is great today"

I followed her outside to enjoy breakfast. Sitting at a table on the porch.

"When we finish breakfast, come with me. I may have found something you might like" my grandmother said grinning at me.

After breakfast, I followed her. Their new house was much bigger than the last one. We walked true a long hallway and stopped at the last door.
My grandmother pulled out a key from her pocket and unlocked the door, revealing stairs leading up. We walked up the stairs to find an empty attic, with a few boxes laying around covered in dust. At the very end of the room, there was this wooden box. My grandmother opened it, was filled with old pictures. I slowly picked one up to reveal that it was a picture of jeongin and standing next to him was Isabella.

"I was cleaning the attic yesterday, and found this. I thought you might be interested"

My eyes never left the picture, never left Jeongin's face. My heart started racing again. I wanted to see him so badly after last night I couldn't stop thinking about him.

"Well I'll leave you to it" my grandmother said and left the room. I scanned true all the pictures. Each picture told a story, capturing moments frozen in time.

I took the first picture to my room. I layed in bed and looked at the picture once again. As I held the it in my hands, thoughts of Jeongin and Isabella flooded my mind. I traced the outlines of their smiles, trying to decipher the emotions hidden within their eyes. He really did love her in the picture they were laughing and Jeongin was looking right at her, his eyes were full of love.

"I wished he looked at me this way.."

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