chapter 53

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Playful Banter

Rose and Lisa were lounging in the living room, enjoying a lazy afternoon. They were scrolling through their phones, laughing at memes and videos, when Taehyung walked in, looking radiant but a bit exhausted. Her baby bump was visible under her loose-fitting shirt, and her hair was tied up in a messy bun.

 Her baby bump was visible under her loose-fitting shirt, and her hair was tied up in a messy bun

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Rose, with a mischievous grin, turned to Lisa. "Hey, Lisa, have you seen Taehyung's baby bump? It's adorable! She's finally starting to show!"

Lisa played along, "Oh, Rose, you're so mean! Taehyung, your bump is so tiny! Are you sure you're really pregnant? Maybe you just ate too much pizza?"

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Lisa played along, "Oh, Rose, you're so mean! Taehyung, your bump is so tiny! Are you sure you're really pregnant? Maybe you just ate too much pizza?"

Taehyung rolled her eyes, laughing. "Hey, watch it, you two! I'll have you know, this bump is quite impressive, thank you very much! And I'm pretty sure the baby is responsible for my growing belly, not pizza."

Rose and Lisa teased her good-naturedly, making jokes about her "tiny" bump and "maybe" needing to eat more ice cream to support the baby's growth. They even started singing a silly song, "Taehyung's got a baby bump, Taehyung's got a baby bump..."

Taehyung chuckled, her face flushing with happiness. "You guys are something else. But I love you both for keeping me entertaining me , even when I'm hormonal and emotional!"

As they continued to banter, Jennie walked into the room, a big smile on her face. "What's all the fuss about?"

Rose filled her in, "We're just teasing Taehyung about her baby bump!"

Jennie joined in, "Oh, yeah! I heard it's so small, you need a magnifying glass to see it!"

Taehyung playfully threw a pillow at Jennie, laughing. "You guys are the worst! But I love you all anyway."

The four friends continued their playful banter, enjoying each other's company and the joy that Taehyung's pregnancy brought to their lives. They spent the rest of the afternoon lounging around, watching movies, and snacking on popcorn.

As the day came to a close, they all hugged each other tight, grateful for their friendship and the love they shared. And Taehyung knew that no matter what, her friends would always be there to support her, even if it meant teasing her about her baby bump.

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