Chapter 30 - Tales of the Temple

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Next days were blissfully uneventful. Well, except for everyone trying to get used to the fact that Sky was the Dragon Warrior.

Her siblings started throwing in an occasional 'them' when referring to the person in question, as well as Sky themself.

"By the way, what did you do to get that ugly guy in a hat so angry?" Jay came to her with another question. "Oh, the Iron Baron?" They poured boiling water into the cup to make tea, and reached for the honey. "I kinda organized a dragon uprising the last time. And bit off his leg."

"Oh." He said, and went back to eating his cereal.

This day was bagginning very peacefully. The sun was shining, it's warm rays falling onto Sky's back, making it positively crawl with energy and warmth??. Is that how turtles feel while basking?

Oh, wait, she can check. They don't have to hide anymore.

And so she turned into her favourite species of turtle. Feeling the energy seeping into their skin, she stayed on the counter for a bit. Surely another turtle in the house won't scare anyone.

It did scare Jay, when he went to wash the dishes after breakfast. And the worst part is that Sky didn't even know what happened until their jaws were already clasped around his finger.

She quickly turned back human and apologised.

"Why would you even do that?!" The blue ninja screamed out. "Oh, you know, I was enjoying the sun, and thought about turtles basking, and-" They started explaining the thought process, before Jay stopped her. "No, not this. Why would you bite me?"

"Eugh, I should've picked a species a bit less territorial and aggressive than Apalone Spinifera..." They mumbled.

"And how in the world are you still in your clothes?!" Jay turned to question what almost everybody who saw any shapeshifter asked about. Good thing Sky actually had an answer.

"You know the choker, right? The one linked to a pocket dimension? Yeah, I have clothes in there. So that they disappear and reappear based on what I'm turning into." They provided. Unfortunately there was no way to program something like this, so every time she used her power, they had to do it 'manually'. Using magic of course.

"Oh, okay" Jay accepted this answer and walked away to do his own stuff.


February 20th

Three days ago we found out the Dragon Warriors' identity. Turns out it was Sky all along. Now everyone has questions for her, and dinner has become less of a 'talking about our day' time and more of an 'ask sky a question' time.

February 26th

Jay and I were peacefully working on a new meck in the garage, when we heard a loud clang. When I went to check it out, it turned out that our idiot 'big sister' made a bet with Kai that they can outrun him in his new car, as a tiger. Needless to say Kai ended up crashing the car Jay and I made for him literally a WEEK AGO!

He's not getting a new one for a year for that.

February 28th

Uncle Nix came back from his 'business trip' only to see the chaos. He literally walked in on Sky using their cat form to steal freshly baked cookies from Cole and Zane.

Upon spotting him, the cat turned back into her human form, startling him. After that we had to make a recap for him. He freaked out.

March 3rd

Yesterday Uncle Nix asked Sky how she shapeshifts, and now they are testing her flight capabilities, which means we had to hide any vase, cup or plant from sight, because the great Dragon Warrior cannot control her wings and kept knocking everything down.

Good thing they moved on to wingless flight after 6 hours.

March 6th

I couldn't sleep and went to the kitchen to eat something. There I found Zane baking a batch of cookies at 3am. Based on the two plates full of bakery goods it was his third batch.

March 11th

Toni comes over tomorrow to have a girls night.

March 13th

I had a great time! Toni showed up at 8pm and I had to get down and help her get into the Temple, because it's floating 7 kilometers above ground.

Anyways I taught Toni the basics of fighting with a katana, we talked a lot and snuck out to buy ice cream at 2am.

March 17th

Uncle Nix is adding yet another flavour of ice cream.

March 20th

Leo woke me up with his chirping right to my face. That was not a good day.

March 23rd

We're planning another heist.

March 26th

We were eating breakfast, when Sky suddenly ran out the door shouting something about 'them' and 'destruction'. Three hours later they talked about a break-in to Borg Tower on the news. Someone shattered the realm crystal.

I think it was Sky.

March 29th

We went to a museum. Everything there got rearranged. Exhibitions were all in the wrong rooms, and I ended up walking into the staff-only room, because it used to be a bathroom.

I don't know how to feel about it. I'm afraid that if things were too familiar, they would bring back the memories, but...

I just didn't think the world would forget and move on so quickly.

March 31st

We went to the pool in town, because we had nothing better to do. Sky taught me a few cool things to do with my power. I can make waves!

April 2nd

We stopped the Mechanic from robbing a bank. Kai may have blown up the entrance, and crashed Mechanic's truck into the vault, but at least the villain didn't get away with any money.

April 5th

Today was a heist day. Uncle Nix heard some rumors about a new villain association forming.

April 7th

There is a new guy in town. He goes by 'Chen' and has a pretty big circle of workers. He hasn't done anything too bad yet, except buying a few snake related artifacts, but we'll keep an eye on him.

April 10th

We had a marathon of 'Marvel movies'. Sky fished them out of some dark hole in the internet. I've honestly never heard of the heroes, but it was entertaining.

My favourite was Black Widow.

April 13th

We're starting a new project with Jay. The blueprints are ready, but we don't have enough space to actually build it.

April 20th

After a week of searching I finally found a perfect spot for an underground garage. The mountain the old monastery is standing on is perfect for this kind of thing. The only downside is that we'll probably have to renovate the monastery itself too.

April 23rd

We started working on our secret garage. It turns out that our family owns the whole mountain. Additionally Jay just found out that he's adopted, his biological father has passed and left him a shit ton of money.

That's both good and bad.

Good, because we have funds for our garage, without having to steal.

Bad, because now Jay is sad. Poor guy. We've been friends for over a year now, but I still don't know how to cheer him up. I will find a way.

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