Chapter 4 - The Day of the Great Devourer

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This morning was a rough one. Around three a.m. an emergency phone call rang reporting a snake in Ninjago City. Guys, of course, immediately set out to kick his ass, but they returned from this trip not only with insomnia, but also with information. Information about a certain Anacondrai, who, as it turned out, was on his way to get the fourth fang blade. The team had no chance of getting it before him. That's when Lloyd, awakened by Jay's screams, entered the room and pointed out that Pythor couldn't have taken the other three blades with him, so he probably hid them somewhere. Then, instead of a pointless chase, the ninjas would simply sneak into the place, where they were hidden and steal them. It was a good plan. Once Sky had determined where the snakes hid their treasure and set the course, everyone could finally go back to sleep. The only problem, however, was the sun, which had just started rising. Lloyd, Jay and Kai ignored it and got to sleep, Sky went to the kitchen to make herself breakfast, Cole and Zane started their training, and Master Wu began to meditate. Honestly, he fell asleep after less than three minutes.After about an hour, they were all on the deck, preparing for the mission and potential battle. Wu stated that he would help the ninjas on this mission. That left Garmadon, Lloyd and Sky on the ship. Sky, however, had other plans. As soon as the ninja and Wu came down to the serpentine base, she said to Lloyd, "I'm going to my room. The rats ride at midnight."-what, in their secret code, meant she would join the battle as the Dragon Warrior. "You're gonna manage on your own?"-she asked and walked away when the green ninja nodded. A few minutes later, she flew out the window and into the serpentine tomb in her Dragon Warrior outfit. As soon as she entered the serpent bunker, she noticed the ninja trapped in a huge cage hanging from the ceiling and their weapons right next to it. She transformed herself into a huge dragon, wrapped her long body around the chain that held the cage and slid carefully lower, head down. "Hey there! Need a little help?"-she asked playfully. "Oh come on! NO! We don't need help! And certainly not from you-! You-! You job thief!"-shouted Kai at her. "Too bad! Gonna help anyways!"-Responded the dragon with a smile. Less than a minute later, everyone was free. The girl turned human again and handed the ninjas their weapons. "Now let's kick their asses!"-she proclaimed with a huge shit-eating grin and a dangerous spark in her eyes. The fight was intense, even before the arrival of the skeleton army, but when Dragon Warrior turned into a huge dragon, the snakes were fucked. Dividing the army into smaller groups with her long, scaly body and swinging her muscular tail with which she flung everyone she could into the walls of this bunker. Once or twice she accidentally hit Jay in all the chaos. When Cole finally got his hands on all the fang blades and the Fangtom's staff, everyone quickly evacuated. The Dragon Warrior flew off into the sunset so the ninjas wouldn't see her turn into a bird and return to her room on the Bounty. The next thing ninja did was throw a huge party on the bridge. "Hey, what do you guys think happens when someone drinks the antidote, even though they're not turned into a snake?"-Jay asked, pouring the cure for fangpyre venom into the punch. Lloyd entered the room, sad, because his father just left. Sky handed him a glass of punch, saying-"Here, it will cheer you up. It's a little sour because Jay poured the antidote for fangpyre venom into it, but overall good.". The party continued until midnight, when everyone started to slowly go to sleep. 

She didn't know if it was the adrenaline rush or all the sugar she consumed, but she couldn't fall asleep. Sky rose from her bed and walked onto the deck, where the storm was raging. She just laid herself on the ground and closed her eyes. Keeping her company was the sound of raindrops hitting the deck lightly and distant explosion-like sounds of thunder. She didn't know how long she was laying there. Probably a good few hours, because her clothes were soaking wet, but she didn't care. Suddenly she heard an unfamiliar, quiet, slithery sound. "Oh, hi Pythor." -She said quietly, to herself - as it would seem to anyone, who would be happening to watch this scene. "How did you...?"-Nothing, as it seemed, answered her. "Don't ask."-She told him. "Just know, if you hurt anyone on this ship, I will be ripping your arms off in the most hurtful way possible."-She said calmly, still with her eyes closed, laying on the ground. Only the silent slithering sound answered her. He had moved to a different part of the ship. 

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