Chapter 44 - Our cat is weird #2

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Entry 27 [Feb 4]
Together with Mikey, leo and Raph we decided to test if Selene listens to them as well.

She did carry out simple commands from Raph and Mikey without any problem, jumping and walking in circles.

Then we 'played' a game of fetch and hide and seek in one. One of us would hide a toy or an object somewhere and we ordered her to bring it to us.

Toys hidden in drawers and a cup from the dishwasher were easy, a fish toy hidden in the bathroom, Raph's room, in Mikey's hammock and in Leo's fanny pack were not a challenge either.

Only when we covered her eyes and played loud music for disorientation, Selene begin having problems with finding assigned objects, walking from one room to another in search of it.

Entry 28 [Feb 5]
Tests part two.

This time it was something different. First was a sort-of obstacle course made by Mikey with paint, to see if she will step into it. She didn't.

I commanded her to stay in one place for 15 minutes. She stayed for 24 minutes and got up only when I implied that the time has passed. She doesn't feel the time passing or can't measure it accordingly.

She also bringed us Raph's favourite Teddy Bear, when he asked for it.

Leo asked her to make scrambled eggs. Selene got stuck on turning the stove on after help from Raph with lifting the pan. She fetched the eggs and cracked them carefully with her front paws onto the pan.

So Selene is either some kind of experiment, mutated in a way that affected almost only her brain or not a cat.

Entry 29 [Feb 6]
Selene knows the password to my computer. Mikey asked her to enter it today, and she quickly jumped onto the table and confidently started pressing keys.

Everyone was, of course, smitten with her intelligence, and all, but I realized something. I always enter my password (starting with a capital letter) using caps lock. Selene pressed shift to write it.

That means she didn't merely copy something she saw me doing. She knew that both these actions (pressing shift and caps lock) have the same result.

She could've seen it when I was writing on my laptop maybe (she likes watching the screen). That's the only not creepy option.

Entry 30 [Feb 8]
The cat disappeared off the radars again today twice. Both times I searched the whole lair to find her, but with no result. I don't think it's just tech malfunctioning.

Entry 31 [Feb 10]
I found Selene chirping back at a camera footage of Mikey chirping. I have no idea how she even found it.

Entry 32 [Feb 11]
Leo tried to teach Selene how to skateboard. I don't think it's necessary to say she can't skate.

Entry 33 [Feb 12]
We tried to get Selene outside, since it's snowed. She hated it and curled underneath a pile of blankets on the couch as soon as we got back inside.

Entry 34 [Feb 14]
Mikey bought a baby sling for Selene and he's been walking around with the cat pressed against his plastron the whole day.

Selene didn't seem to mind.

Entry 35 [Feb 17]
We had a movie night and Selene kept meowing along to musical numbers.

It wasn't unusual, just cute.

Entry 36 [Feb 20]
I have discovered that Selene sleeps with one of her toys (a small green fish plushie) and hugs it in her sleep.

Entry 37 [Feb 23]
Selene is being treated almost like another sibling of ours now. Mikey asks her to pick out colors for his pieces, because she's surprisingly good at it, Leo wants her to rate his skateboard tricks (I genuinely have no idea how it works) and Raph just enjoys the fact that she's not scared of him and comes for scritches whenever he asks her to.

Okay, maybe I do let her choose what I'll be building next, but that doesn't mean anything.

Entry 37 [Feb 27]
April has a new bright green hoodie with a dragon on the back. Selene saw it and immediately ran away to hide in the lab and hug her fish.

She refused to get out for the rest of the day even on command.

Entry 38 [Mar 2]
Selene's disappearances have gotten less frequent.

Entry 39 [Mar 6]
Update to Entry 19:
30.01 3:53 a.m. for 1 hour and 7 minutes
31.01 5:12 a.m. for 16 minutes
08.02 1:35 a.m. for 2 hours and 38 minutes
08.02 11:42 p.m. for 1 hour and 15 minutes
12.02 3:23 a.m. for 54 minutes
16.02 1:02 a.m. for 2 hours and 46 minutes
18.02 9:59 p.m. for 47 minutes
06.03 2:08 a.m. for 1 hour and 23 minutes

Entry 40 [Mar 8]
Today was supposed to be another movie night. Selene set up everything from getting blankets and pillows to setting up the TV when we weren't looking.

Entry 41 [Mar 10]
Selene stole my phone. I suspect it was an order from Leo.

As revenge I asked her to steal his phone and his sword. After carrying out the order she started waving the sword around as if trying to use it. It didn't work.

Entry 42 [Mar 13]
Today I found Selene watching a cartoon on someone's phone. I don't know where she got the device from.

Entry 43 [Mar 17]
Selene spent the whole day in the bathtub.

Entry 44 [Mar 20]
Mikey asked the cat to paint something as a contribution to his painting. At first she just left a paw print in the corner, but encouraged, she drew something resembling a leatherback sea turtle and a small snake looking dragon.

Entry 45 [Mar 23]
Selene is bugging me constantly, trying to get me to watch some cartoon on the phone she found. I thought nothing of it, until today, when I got multiple google drive links from an email

I swear, if the cat made an email address to get me to watch this stupid show...

Entry 46 [Mar 24]
I asked Selene if it was her who sent me this email, and she nodded. Sigh... I watched the pilot.

The show is... good. Based on chinese mythology and the person of Sun Wukong, the great Monkey King.

Entry [Mar 26]
What the actual fuck

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