Chapter 24 - the Jade Family

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"So, uh, someone stole a mask. What's the big deal?" Acronix asked. Everyone was currently cramped in a giant room, where Cyrus Borg kept all his artifacts.

"It's not 'just a mask'. It's an Oni Mask" Sky corrected at the same time, as Hutchins, who just appeared before thir eyes. The girl gestured for him to continue.
"there are three. Each of them has power of one Oni Overlord. If they are reunited, whomever owns them will wield tremendous power." The man continued with the exposition, needed for the ninja to understand fully what they will be tasked to do.

"So, why is the royal family so concerned with this whole situation?" Kai's tone gave away the little amount of respect he had for them.And, there it is. Kai asked, and in a second Hutchins will deliver the information, and next mission."Because they, too, are in a possession of one. And tomorrow the emperor will be giving a speech and we worry, that someone might try to steal the mask. We could use you assistance. That is, if you can keep a low profile." Hutchins got straight to the point. Although his cold tone didn't work in his favour. The eyepatch, and slick hair really killed the vibe. He had a stick stuck up his ass and it was really visible. But, hey what would you expect from someone who works with the royal family every day."We're ninja. Nobody'll know we're there." Zane stepped to the front, accepting the job.


"As many of you know, my family has kept a private life..." Emperor's speech was falling into background noise at the back of Sky's mind. She was currently disguised as a civillian in the small crowd that formed in front of the royal palace.

In theory she didn't have to do much, since she wasn't as well known as the ninja (at least amongst civillians. The criminal underground knew her better, under the name 'Waterlily'. She was useful for those seeking revenge on the ninja.), but she has still put her heart into the disguise, going even as far as to change her eye color with shapeshifting, as a little cherry on top.
The rest of the team was hiding around, crouched down at rooftops, watching. Even Mei showed up for this one, and was currently recording the speech with her phone. "...So it is time to step out of the shadows..." Sky heard every fifth or so sentence. She was more focused on finding the person who will set off the firecrackers."I believe Lloyd has spotted something of interest." Sky heard parts of the conversation the rest of the crew was having.

"Oh, come on, he just looks so cool. Have you seen his hair?"

Now that has peaked Sky's interest. What he? Who was he? She started looking frantically around, until she spotted an anomaly. Someone who shouldn't be there.

A boy, with raven black hair, pinned up into a tight bun with two long streaks running down to below his shoulders, standing right next to Harumi. He, too was dressed in elegant, green robe.

He was part of the royal family.
He looked... well, elegant. Yet another abnormalty in this weird, twisted world. He was intriguing, but not alarming.Sky has now seen so many deviations from the norm, she was used to it. Eh, she'll have to add him to the list.


"You protected the royal family, you have their gratitude. You are invited to be their guests in the palace." Hutchins told the team, after Emperor's speech has ended. Even though nothing happened, there was no threat, even false, they were still invited to the palace.

"Come." Hutchins led the ninja into the palace. Before their eyes opened huge door, to show a giant hall, painted in red and gold."Eh, you've seen one palace, you've seen them all." Sky checked out another daily quote, and only then focused on her surroundings. This whole place was an eyesore. Everything was dark, even with the amount of light the lamps were giving.

The colors clashed, and the gold was probably fake.
"I'm wondering... How long will it take to chase me out of here with a spear..." Sky reminded harself, and Mei about the situation. It was long ago, but she still had cuts on her back and a small scar on her neck."Sky. Don't joke about that!" Mei hissed at her, more concerned than angry. Sky was really praying no one asked what they were talking about. She'd rather not talk about this.

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