Chapter 18 - And they were roomates

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They, in fact weren't entirely okay. 

After the hell, that Nadakhan put them thru, they started sleeping in one bed. It all started when, in the middle of one of Sky's sleepless nights, Mei portaled right to her bedroom, scared out of her mind and still in pijamas. 

She said she had a bad dream about the djin, so Sky let her stay for the night. And then another. And another. 


"Come on Sky! We don't have all day." Cole's words yanked her out of her thoughts. They had agreed to help clean up in the museum a little. It wasn't the best decision of her life. "Wow." Kai suddenly stopped in front of a portrait. "Is that... My father?" Sky stepped closer to him. The painting showed a man and a kid, holding a baby, standing beside a portrait. If Kai was standing beside Ray, then the kid he was holding must've been... Oh god. All that time she believed that Nya simply didn't exist in this universe, but now she has been proved wrong. Nya must've died as a child.

Sky checked the date in which the painting was made. "10 years ago. You were like, 5 then..." She said to Kai. "Wait. If the baby is not me, then who is it? They look more like 3." Sky didn't answer. She couldn't just dump that kind of info on him. 

"Guys! Look what I found!" Cole shouted. Before him was a giant painting of a battle taking place at the Monastery of Spinjitzu. "Anyone recognize this battle?" 

"Refreshing time!" Dr. Saunders suddenly entered the room with a tray of drinks for everyone. "What's this painting?" Lloyd asked him, pointing at the canvas, curious. "Oh, this? It has no historical significance. There's a legend about twin brothers called the Hands of Time. They could manipulate time. Speed it up, slow it down, anything! Hahahaha! It's obviously a myth!" He laughed. 

"You know, as someone who is alive solely because of time manipulations, I don't think it should be laughed at." Sky blurted out not even thinking. She must've come off as rude, because everyonr froze at her words. They were flabberghasted. 

"What?!" Jay's surprised scream tore thru the air, and everyone's ears. "Have you really not noticed this huge scar over my eye, that sometimes is present on my face, but sometimes is not? Scoff!" Sky was now playing offended.
"Well, I did, I just thought that it's just my imagination." Kai tried justifying himself. "Yeah, we all did." Lloyd joined. Good for them, that Sky didn't have the energy to fight right now. "Okay, doesn't matter. Our job is done, we should go home."

As they were walking back to the Bounty, a strange wave sent them a minute later in time. Alarm began blaring, graphs started showing up on the screens. Sky walked up to one of them, pressed random buttons and blurted out "Yeah, it was a powerful blast of temporal energy. Time energy for those who don't know. It was coming from the monastery." Zane supressed the urge to ask her how she was able to say that from a simple graph, that showed merely the time and level of pollution in the air.

"Has anyone seen Master Wu? He said he had some business to do here in the morning." Lloyd asked, when they arrived. "Nah. I only see that guy. Let's find out who it is." Jay let down the anchor and slid down on it's chain, landing perfectly on the ground. "It's only one guy. Jay can handle it." Cole thought out loud. "No, he can't." Sky jumped down after te blue ninja, pulling out her rake. 

When she made it down, Jay and Acronix were already fighting. She didn't join the fight immidiately, taking her time to analyze Acronix's fighting style and observe his moves. She doesn't usually do this, but this time she had a few seconds. Until Jay got flunged into what was left from a wall. "you know, a moment ago I had no quarrel with you" Acrox said, stepping closer to the blue ninja. "but I do now." He was about to hit Jay, when Sky jumped in between them and blocked the blow with her rake, which broke. "No, Jessica!" She comically fell to her knees. 

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