Chapter 11 - Chen's Island

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"But Mei can't go back there! I- H-He- He died because of me!"-Sky was sitting on the floor of Mei's room, in tears.
"No, he didn't."-Mei said softly, trying to calm her down.
"Yes he did! I took the armor from him! If he had it on, maybe he wouldn't- wouldn't die."
"I thought it turned out, that in reality he was alive...?"
"Maybe, but they don't know it! They will think I killed him! Like. For good!"
"Oh come on. Lloyd came here for you. They can't be that mad, if they're still crossing worlds just to get you back on the team."-Tears finally stopped flowing out of Sky's eyes. 

"Wait. Lloyd's here? But how?"-She asked.
"He and MK still text each other every week. They're friends now and you can't stop it." Mei smiled.
"Really? It's so sweet."-Sky smiled a little bit too.
"So, are you gonna go back or not?"
"Okay."-She sighed in defeat.

The meeting at Chen's went well. If you could say that. Sky was there first, to make sure she won't be late, and she didn't say a word thru the whole conversation. She felt just too guilty. But the moment some thugs entered the restaurant and cause havoc and ninja started to fight and joke around, she felt better and got more comfortable. She started goofing around too. 

Suddenly the bad guys escaped thru the back door, so the team ran after them. But at the back of the restaurant was nothing more than a few dumpsters, poster with Zane on it and a plate with four fortune cookies on it. No bad guys in sight. 

After reading a poster and discovering that Zane is alive (big surprise here), guys grabbed a cookie each and cracked them open for the fortunes. Except for Cole, who just ate his. The fortune said about the Tournament of Elements. They had to show up at the harbour tommorow at midnight and leave their weapons behind. 

So they had only 24 hours. 

When the guys were packing their bags, Sky got back to Megapolis. She had to meet up with Macaque.

"Hi Mac!"-She shouted walking into his dojo, knowing, that he will hear her.
"Oh, how's my favourite student doing?"-He responded, appearing bafore her with a smug smile on his face.
"Good thanks. And how are you?"
"Aren't you gonna deny, that I'm your teacher?" Looks like she threw him off guard a little. Good.
"Nah. I have like three of them. Besides, only a person with no morals would help me with some techniques."-She smiled, dangerous spark appearing in her eye when she reacalled the memories.-"But I am here for something else. I need a protection spell against mind readers. Do you have any?"
"Depends on how strong the reader. How old are they?"
"Pffff... That's merely a child."
"Yeah, I know. He's not a big deal. He can only read minds and cause migraines."
"You barely even need a protection spell."-Macaque said, chuckling.-"But I'll find you something."

When the whole squad showed up at the place, they saw a bunch of weird looking people. When a boat docked Clouse stepped onto the platform and welcomed everyone. The Elemental Masters started to step onto the ship, but when it was ninjas turn, Clouse stopped Sky. "Sorry, I think there's no place for you here." She quickly pushed some rando from the boat into the water and said-"Oh, look at that. There is one now." and stepped onto the ship.

After a long cruise, everyone finally got to Chen's island. The elemental masters got off the boat and walked towards the main building.

"Hm... I'll need a weapon"-Sky said, not caring about the fact, that no one else had a weapon. Suddenly she saw a rake laying beside some bushes. "Yeah, I think I can make this work."-She said satisfied with her new weapon.

When everyone walked into the main building and sat down, they were greeted by Chen. "I see master of fire, shadow, speed, even the prophecied green savior."-Sky chuckled under her breath at those words. It backfired. 

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