Chapter ten: Hana

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"Hello Leo. What do you want?" Evan said as he coughed and I patted his back. The phone was on it's speaker.

"Hold it on with the coughing bro. Where is Kaylee?" Leo asked

"She is here right now, you can speak" Evan said as he coughed hardly again. 

"Hey do you have tuberculosis or something?" Leo asked as Evan asked ended the call. Evan never got along with Leo since He became friends with me. 

"That reminds me what about mrs. anonymous?" I said

"I don't know what to do anymore" Evan said as Mike called me

"Hey kay bear I am on my way to the office. I just reached Birmingham but I don't know my way around and there is no cab available" Mike said

"That's tough. I will check if I can book you a taxi just turn on your location on your snapchat" I said

" I don't have much data. I ran out of it when booking my ticket." Mike said

"Call a cab or ask around" I said

"No one is talking to me" Mike said 

"Keep asking. This meeting is really important to us" I said

"Yeah I have to go now bye. I will call you when I have found my way" Mike said

" Okay bye bro Love you" I said as I ended the call.

Mike was wandering around then he saw a girl standing next to a shop and he approached her. When she saw him she looked shocked then she smiled.

"Hi" She said 

"Hey please I lost my way and I need help" Mike said

"Of course Mike" She said

"How do you know my name?" Mike asked

"I just guessed" She lied

"That's a wild guess" Mike said

"Yeah" She said

"What is your name then?" Mike asked

"I am Akarui Hana but you can call me Hana" Hana said

"What does that mean?" Mike said noticing she had black and pink hair just like Mrs. Anonymous but it couldn't be her. Mrs. Anonymous was rich according to description and she looked average.  

"It means bright flower" Hana said

"That's a beautiful name. Where are you from?" Mike asked

"Japan" Hana said

"That's nice. Back to business please can you lead me to this place" Mike said pointing to an address.

"That's where I work and am on my way there right now. I suppose your the one we are having a meeting with" Hana asked

"Yes I am" Mike smiled

"I will just drive us there but I would make a quick stop home to have a shower and change if you don't mind" A black BMW came to her way and a decently dressed man appeared and opened the door for her speaking in Japanese    

" こんにちは、明るい花さん、ゲストがいらっしゃるようですね(Hello mrs bright flower I see you have a guest)" The guy in a black suit said as Hana smiled

"お父さんは旅行から帰ってきましたか? (Is dad back from his trip?)" She said as Mike and her got to the back seat 

"はい、でも彼は後であなたを訪ねると言いました(yes but he said he would visit you later)" The guy in black suit said as Mike was confused with their language.

"Okay" Hana said as she smiled at Mike

"Forgive my manners, I forgot you are not Japanese" Hana said as Mike smiled

"It's nothing" Mike said

"So should we just look at each other or talk" Hana said

"What should we talk about?" Mike smiled

"彼は愚かですか?彼は自己紹介できないのですか、奥様?(Is he daft? Can't him introduce himself madam?)" The black suited guy said

"言語!彼にそんな風に話すなよ、バカ(Language! don't talk to him that way you idiot)" Hana said as she looked at me

"He is always so insultive and daft. He will soon loose his job" Hana said

"That's no problem. So Hana nice to meet you" Mike said

"Same Mike" Hana said as they reached her house and she entered inside. Mike was mesmerized by the beauty of the mansion. She was indeed really rich.

"Welcome to my home Mike" Hana said as her phone beeped. It was a message from her dad saying that the meeting is cancelled.

"The meeting just got cancelled" Mike said

"I know I just received a text from my dad" Hana said

"Your dad?" Mike asked

"Yeah He owns the company" Hana said

"Cool but I have no where to stay" Mike said

"What?" Hana said

"I was meant to come, have the meeting and then leave" Mike said

"That's sad and am having my girls over so I don't know if u can stay" Hana said

"I can lodge a hotel" Mike said

"No way. That's about 70 pounds and I don't know if you can afford it" Hana said

"What do you mean? I can afford it" Mike said

"Am sorry if I was rude but you can sleepover" Hana said

"No am good. Thank you Hana for everything but I have to go now. See you in the meeting" Mike said as he held his bag

"Can I get your number?" Hana said

"Sure" Mike said as he gave her his number

"Thank you. See you tomorrow then" Hana said as Mike left

"Bye Hana" Mike said. Hana was angry Mike refused to stay meanwhile Mike did not want to stay because she was a girl and he did not want temptations as he was now a strong follower of Christ. Hana called her friend named Nikko meaning Sunlight.

"サンライト、さっき彼に会ったんだけど、かわいいし、彼の電話番号も知ってるよ (Sunlight I just saw him and he is cute and I have his number)" Hana said as Nikko was confused.

"誰が? (who?)"  Nikko asked

"マイク、私がずっと前に病院代を払ってくれた男(Mike, the guy I paid his hospital bills for a long time ago)" Hana said as Nikko was surprised

"ああ、マイク、君の好きな人ね (Oh mike the guy you like)" Nikko said as they decided to speak English

"Yes. He is more charming than before and he's gone" Hana said

"Oh my world Hana, gone? Do you have a number?" Nikko asked

 "Yes. I collected it and we both have the same meeting in the office with dad tomorrow" Hanna said as she smiled "He must sit next to me" Hana added

"Yes. Does he know who you are?" Nikko asked

"Not yet. I need to extract some things about him and get to know him really well" Hana said

"Okay buy be quick with that process before he gets taken by another girl" Nikko said

"He won't dare Nikko" Hana said 

"I hope so" Nikko said

"I will call him later this evening before our sleepover" Hana said

"Yes am coming very soon to help prepare it." Nikko said

"Thank you Nikko" Hana said as they ended the call.

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