Chapter 14

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Disclaimer: Mo Dao Zu Shi and The Untamed do not belong to me. The settings, characters, and plot belong, respectively, to Mo Xiang Tong Xiu and the screenwriters of The Untamed. Here, only the plot of this fanfiction and my four OCs, Huang Minghui / Lan Minghui, Lan Biyun, Li Xingsi / Wei Xingsi, and Bai Yilian / Nie Yilian, are my creations. And an important reminder that this ISN'T REAL; please value your lives and do not try to get hit by a car to get this sort of adventure.

At the sound of Nie Huaisang's scream, Lan Minghui's eyes immediately snapped open. Still slightly groggy from her rest, Lan Minghui quickly unsheathed her sword, getting into a position to attack the statue of the Heavenly Maiden.

The statue threw a punch at Lan Wangji, only missing him by mere centimeters. To buy Lan Wangji a bit more time to escape, Lan Biyun and Lan Minghui leapt to opposite sides of the statue, suppressing it for a few seconds with their swords.

Wei Xingsi spun off of a ledge, throwing her weight into her sword, Xuejiang, as it stabbed shallowly into the statue. "DO YOUR JOB RIGHT! YOU'RE A FUCKING STATUE, SO PLEASE, STAY PUT!"

Nie Yilian and Lan Minghui burst into laughter at Wei Xingsi's words, with the latter laughing so hard that she was only just able to stall the Heavenly Maiden for a second with her saber before stumbling aside.

"Wangji! Throw me the Yin Iron!" Lan Biyun called, waving from the opposite side of the cave.

Not wanting to lead his sister into danger, Lan Wangji shook his head profusely.

Sometimes, you're just too stubborn, Lan Minghui thought disgruntledly. That's what's always so frustrating about you.

As the statue aimed another attack at Lan Wangji, Lan Minghui groaned internally, leaping up to the statue's shoulder and looping spiritual guqin strings around its wrist and pulling it away from Lan Wangji. But before she could stabilize her grip, the Heavenly Maiden tugged, fast and hard, causing the string to snap! Lan Minghui screamed involuntarily as she fell down from the statue, landing ungracefully on her side.

Arghhhhh! My ass fucking hurts!! STUPID STATUE! YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO PAY FOR THIS!

"Minghui!" Her friends called, worried.

Lan Minghui pulled herself up unhappily.

"I'm alright! Stop the damn statue...!"

The Heavenly Maiden made a grab for the qiankun pouch containing the Yin Iron. Lan Wangji managed to stop it just in time by creating an X-shape with Bichen and its sheath, though he was getting shoved further and further back.

Wei Wuxian tied his spiritual strings around the statue's wrists, effectively slowing it down. Grinning up at Lan Wangji, who was still being squished between the cave of the wall and the statue, Wei Wuxian announced in a sing-song voice, "Lan Zhan, the statue keeps advancing on you. I think it fancies you~~"

"Shut it!" Lan Wangji snapped, glaring at him.

Nie Yilian aimed a few talismans at the statue's arm, causing it to freeze for a few moments. Lan Wangji quickly leapt off of the ledge while the statue couldn't move.

"Wangji! Pass me the Yin Iron! Now!" Lan Minghui yelled.

Again, Lan Wangji refused, but then, the minute the statue broke free of the effects of Nie Yilian's talismans, it ran forward so quickly that it caused Wei Wuxian's strings to snap. As it unsteadily jerked forward, everyone in the cave suppressed with round after round of talismans, effectively sealing it away.

Seeing that the statue had stilled, everyone let out audible sighs of relief.

"Thank goodness that's over," Nie Huaisang gasped, fanning himself and sitting down on the ground.

Lan Minghui, however, wasn't completely appeased with the situation. She knew what would happen next, and it certainly wouldn't be pretty...

A rumbling noise sounded from the mouth of the cave as a swarm of puppets entered the space.

"NOT AGAIN!" Nie Huaisang wailed, burying his face into his fan.

Lan Minghui dragged herself up, unsheathing Huari and preparing to fight. As she blocked off the puppets, she groaned internally, heavily despising the situation.

"WHY AM I ALWAYS THE UNLUCKY ONE?!" Nie Huaisang howled in despair as he desperately fended off three puppets with his fan.

About a minute later, Wei Wuxian had created a barrier between them and the puppets with a golden spiritual net. Even though it satisfactorily kept them protected from the puppets, the puppets continuously clawed at the net. It wouldn't be long before they would break in...

"...What now?" Nie Huaisang whispered, his eyes wide, fixated on the crowd of puppets.

"What now? Run, of course!" Wei Wuxian answered, frowning at the scene in front of them.

"What?! Run?! Run through them?"

Wei Xingsi patted his arm. "Don't worry, Huaisang. I'm sure we can think of a safer option." Behind his back, she glared at her brother with a don't-scare-him look.

Almost as if it was guaranteed, a faint melody of a flute of some sort sounded a distance away. At the sound of it, the puppets turned their heads towards it, sluggishly stumbling away.

As the last of the puppets ran off, Lan Biyun suggested decisively, "Let's go."

However, the seven teenagers had only taken a few steps before a voice rang out.

"Stop where you are."

Upon hearing the voice, all seven of them stopped. Knowing that it was Jiang Cheng, Lan Minghui didn't feel scared. As Wei Wuxian urged the rest of the group to continue walking, the voice repeated itself sternly.

Nie Huaisang slowly turned around, looking at the still, unmoving statue of the Heavenly Maiden.

"You ignorant small ones rushed into this temple carelessly. What punishment do you believe you deserve?" Jiang Cheng's voice boomed.

"Spare us, s-s-spare us..." Nie Huaisang whispered, shaking as he bowed his head.

Paying no attention to him, Jiang Cheng continued to speak. "Wei Xingsi and Wei Wuxian. The two of you have departed without permission. Do you plead guilty?"

Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes, sheathing Suibian. "Jiang Cheng! If you still don't come out, Lan Zhan is going to be angry!"

(A/N): Hello, readers... I haven't updated in a while... I'm so sorry about finally giving just a 1K chapter after being inactive on this story for 2 weeks!! If you don't know yet, I recently started writing a new book and I've just been having a lot of energy to write that :') Okay, I know you're not super happy for waiting so long, but I still hope that you'll enjoy! Have a nice rest of your day/night!

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