Chapter 21

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Disclaimer: Mo Dao Zu Shi and The Untamed do not belong to me. The settings, characters, and plot belong, respectively, to Mo Xiang Tong Xiu and the screenwriters of The Untamed. Here, only the plot of this fanfiction and my four OCs, Huang Minghui / Lan Minghui, Lan Biyun, Li Xingsi / Wei Xingsi, and Bai Yilian / Nie Yilian, are my creations. And an important reminder that this ISN'T REAL; please value your lives and do not try to get hit by a car to get this sort of adventure.

Out of the Great Sects (not including the Qishan Wen Sect), the Gusu Lan Sect was the one furthest away from Mount Muxi. As a result, they were unable to contribute much to the rescuing of Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji.

Lan Biyun had informed her sister that Nie Yilian and Wei Xingsi knew their plans to attempt to save the Yunmeng Jiang Sect from their impending doom. Lan Minghui and Lan Biyun, once again, couldn't do a lot about saving the residents of Lotus Pier, since there were still more areas of the Cloud Recesses to be restored.


About a month later, news of the bloodbath that happened at Lotus Pier got out, spreading all over the corners of the cultivation world. Among all the jumbled information she caught each day of the massacre, Lan Minghui, despite her grief and fear, was relieved to hear of the survival of the majority of the youngest disciples (the Unclean Realm at Qinghe serving as a place of refuge) and Jiang Yanli, Jiang Cheng, Wei Wuxian, and Wei Xingsi.

To Lan Minghui's delight, Nie Yilian informed her through mail that Jiang Yanli, Jiang Cheng, and Wei Xingsi had been brought to the Unclean Realm for the time being as well. On top of that, Lan Xichen had returned, and the Cloud Recesses had finally been restored to its former glory, ready to serve as the Gusu front in the Sunshot Campaign. Wei Wuxian's continued "disappearance" was her only, albeit urgent, qualm at the moment.

Qingheng-jun, having died from his injuries, was succeeded by Lan Xichen. As soon as his position as leader of the Gusu Lan Sect was stabilized, Lan Xichen led his sect into the Sunshot Campaign.

Then, the very first movement of the uprising against the Qishan Wen Sect began: Retrieving all the swords that had been taken by the Wens during their so-called "indoctrination."

Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen, Lan Minghui, Lan Biyun, Jiang Cheng, and Xue Yang led the attack, with a handful of disciples mostly of the Gusu Lan Sect joining them.

Out of the six of them leading the attack, only Lan Xichen, Lan Minghui, and Xue Yang had swords on them. That wasn't much of a problem though; there was enough space on one sword for more than one person. Deciding to do Lan Biyun (and perhaps also Jiang Cheng) a favor, she handed Huari over to her sister.

"Don't thank me," Lan Minghui whispered as she forcefully pushed Huari into Lan Biyun's hands. "Go with Jiang-gongzi."

Ignoring her splutters and grumbling, Lan Minghui grinned and turned around.

"A-Yang, can I go with you on Jiangzai?" she requested, hoping that she didn't look too desperate or ridiculous.

Please say yes please say yes please say yes--

He gave no verbal answer, just grinned brightly and gently grabbed her hand, pulling her onto Jiangzai. Lan Minghui really hoped that Xue Yang couldn't feel (or hear) her crazy heartbeat.

Little did she know, Xue Yang was thinking the same thing.

On their left side was Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji on Shuoyue, partially obscuring the sight of Jiang Cheng and Lan Biyun maneuvering Huari. From her position in front of Xue Yang, she couldn't help but laugh silently at the sight of Lan Biyun's light complexion flushing fire-red with an expression that screamed, When I get back to your bitchy ass, Minghui--!!

"Does Biyun-shijie have a thing for Jiang Wanyin or something?" Xue Yang whispered to the girl in front of him.

Lan Minghui's heart flipped several times at how intimate the moment felt, before composing herself and answering in a mock-playful tone, "Gossiping is forbidden!"

It helped ease the tension between the two of them from the tight knots inside their stomachs about their planned attack. Switching back to her regular voice, she answered, "Sure does. Whenever they ran into each other while Jiang-gongzi was here studying at the Cloud Recesses, the looks they exchanged just wanted to force any witness of the sight to scream, 'Just kiss already!' to the two of them. Not to mention, they were stuck at Nightless City for weeks during the indoctrination, who knows what happened between them."

As Lan Biyun and Jiang Cheng drifted in front of the Twin Jades again, Lan Minghui caught them talking to each other quietly, getting so excited that she almost jumped out of excitement.

Fearing that she might fall off, Xue Yang instinctively, without even thinking, wrapped an arm around her slender waist, the other grabbing on her shoulder.


Suddenly realizing what he had done, it was Xue Yang's turn to blush. He quickly pulled Lan Minghui upright, mumbling, "Sorry, Jiejie..."


Once they landed at their destined location to search for the confiscated weapons, they split up again. Knocking out the cultivators on guard as quickly and silently as they could, the group of six--as well as the additional disciples--snuck in through the only main entrance.

With a flash of Zidian (courtesy of Jiang Cheng), the second round of guards were down. But Jiang Cheng hadn't been able to get them all before one of them had screamed that someone had barged in.

Yet another wave of cultivators guarding the area joined the fight. Huari, which had been returned to Lan Minghui in the hands of a tomato-red Lan Biyun, was unsheathed, its sword glare attacks illuminating the space around it with a light purple-blue glow. While the armed disciples kept the guards busy with their unrelenting attacks, the ones who had their weapons confiscated snuck behind the fight.

Not much longer afterwards, all twenty-something guards lay on the ground, face-down, some injured and unconscious, others dead. Lan Biyun, Jiang Cheng, and Lan Wangji came out, their arms full of swords, sabers, and a few instruments here and there.

(A/N): I apologize if this chapter was too fast-paced...

I had the idea of keeping Minghui at the Cloud Recesses since it seems illogical to send all three members (that are present) of the direct bloodline to a so-called "indoctrination" that's really just holding the disciples hostage to get their sects to cooperate. Plus, Xue Yang kinda needs to stay at the Cloud Recesses if he wants to stay away from the Wens, and because he's 1/2 of our main ship, he can't die (at least not yet).

Wei Ying will probably make his comeback in the next chapter, I hope you'll look forward to it! Hope you're enjoying what I have so far, have a great day!

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