Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: Mo Dao Zu Shi and The Untamed do not belong to me. The settings, characters, and plot belong, respectively, to Mo Xiang Tong Xiu and the screenwriters of The Untamed. Here, only the plot of this fanfiction and my four OCs, Huang Minghui / Lan Minghui, Lan Biyun, Li Xingsi / Wei Xingsi, and Bai Yilian / Nie Yilian, are my creations. And an important reminder that this ISN'T REAL; please value your lives and do not try to get hit by a car to get this sort of adventure.

About Huang Minghui (黄明慧):

黄 (Huang) = Yellow
明 (Ming) = Bright
慧 (Hui) = Intelligence; wisdom

Sword: Huari (华日)
华 (Hua) = Brilliance; magnificence; flower-like
日 (Ri) = Sun; day

Guqin: Daiyi (带义)
带 (Dai) = To bring; with
义 (Yi) = Righteous; justice; morality

Dizi: Zhaohui (照辉)
照 (Zhao) = To shine upon; illuminate
辉 (Hui) = Brightness; lustre; brilliance; radiance


Huang Minghui had never felt so scared in her entire life. The car that had just stopped to let her, Li Xingsi, Lan Biyun, and Bai Yilian cross the street suddenly started again, rushing right towards them. There would be no time to run or save anyone- The last thing she heard were screams, and she felt excruciating pain before her vision was claimed by darkness.

Surprisingly, the pain was gone before she knew it. When Huang Minghui opened her eyes again, she was in an unfamiliar place shrouded in grey mist; there seemed to be no separation between sky and ground. She looked down at herself, realizing that she was perfectly okay. There was no blood or bruises; there were no injuries at all. What happened...?

"Minghui?" A girl with long, black hair, glasses, and pale, greyish-blue eyes called.

Huang Minghui sighed in relief. "Biyun?"

Lan Biyun nodded. "Yilian? Xingsi? Where are you two?"

"Here!" A loud, energetic voice shouted. Two other girls emerged: One with short, dark brown hair and warm, kind eyes (Bai Yilian); the taller of the two having light brown eyes and hair color a mix of reddish-brown and black (Li Xingsi).

"Where are we?" Bai Yilian asked. "Are we dead?"

"You are dead, but not dead," a loud, echoing voice answered.

Huang Minghui stiffened in apprehension. "Who are you, and what do you mean?"

"When the car hit the four of you, all of you died. But you are now starting your second lives, in the world of The Untamed," the voice explained. "You are currently asleep, and this is all in your mind. It's time for you to know your past in this life."

Huang Minghui heard a rush of wind, and she found herself somewhere else. Having watched The Untamed enough times, she knew immediately that it was the Cloud Recesses. Huang Minghui gasped in surprise. There were currently two people standing in front of her; she knew from photos of her past life that they were her parents.

"Will your family allow this? I'm only the child of a common disciple and a guest disciple of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, and you're the second niece of the Laoling Qin Clan's leader," her father said anxiously.

Huang Minghui's mother shook her head. "I don't care! The entire Laoling Qin Clan can argue, but I can always defect."

The memory changed...

"I'm defecting from the Laoling Qin Clan!" Huang Minghui's mother announced. Before anyone could say anything else, she threw off her outer robes, turned around, and ran out through the doors of the hall.

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