Chapter 13

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Disclaimer: Mo Dao Zu Shi and The Untamed do not belong to me. The settings, characters, and plot belong, respectively, to Mo Xiang Tong Xiu and the screenwriters of The Untamed. Here, only the plot of this fanfiction and my four OCs, Huang Minghui / Lan Minghui, Lan Biyun, Li Xingsi / Wei Xingsi, and Bai Yilian / Nie Yilian, are my creations. And an important reminder that this ISN'T REAL; please value your lives and do not try to get hit by a car to get this sort of adventure.

Regardless of whether Wen Chao was there or not, Lan Minghui turned back to see nothing other than the grass. Damn it! If only I remembered! Now it's too late to warn Wangji!

Sighing, Lan Minghui folded her arms, glaring out the window of the boat as it continued to move. She spent the rest of the trip to Tanzhou sulking over her mistake.


Hours later, they finally arrived at Tanzhou. As soon as Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian, Wei Xingsi, Lan Minghui, and Lan Biyun stepped off the boat, they were greeted by the fast-paced hustle and bustle of Tanzhou.

Contrary to the relatively quiet, calm, and warm atmosphere of Caiyi Town, Tanzhou was loud, busy, and hectic. Vendors advertised their products loudly as passers-by wandered through the town.

"Fresh tanghulu!"

"Come check out our fresh vegetables!"

"Top quality fans!"

"Don't miss out on our jewellery!"

Lan Minghui turned nearly involuntarily towards the young couple selling jewellery. She drew in a breath sharply at the sight of it; she'd been here before.

**Flashback to two years ago**

"Jiejie, I'm going to explore around for a while!" A younger, twelve-year-old Xue Yang called.

Some Lan disciples had come to Tanzhou for a night hunt. Though cultivating was their primary reason to come to Tanzhou, they couldn't miss out on an opportunity to explore the city that was well known for its rich market!

"Okay! Stay safe!"

A little while later, Lan Minghui went out to go look for Xue Yang, since he had taken a while. She exited the inn they were staying in to find him at a nearby jewellery stand with a wrapped-up object in one hand while using the other to pay the owner.

"Who is the lucky young lady?" the store owner asked with interest.

Lan Minghui's heart skipped several beats as Xue Yang smiled. Ah, why is his smile so unfairly beautiful?! However, what he said next caused her excitement to turn into jealousy.

"A shijie."

As a cold, jealous, and bitter expression took over her facial features, Lan Minghui laughed at herself mentally. You're really too hopeful, you know. One day, you're going to die of shock...

She slipped away before Xue Yang could see her. The words "A shijie" kept repeating themselves in her head as though mocking her. If it was me, he wouldn't have said "shijie", right? He just doesn't like me in that way.

**End flashback**

"You zoned out," Wei Xingsi muttered under her breath as the group continued to walk. "What was it about?"

"I'll tell you later," Lan Minghui answered.

Right now, Wei Wuxian was in laughter, having tried and failed to scare Lan Wangji with a mask he borrowed. When Wei Wuxian turned around, he let out a scream that caused everyone within a 10-li radius to jump up, scared.

It was Nie Huaisang's turn to laugh. He'd snuck up on Wei Wuxian, having used to same trick that Wei Wuxian had tried to use on Lan Wangji, though the difference was that he succeeded.

"Nie-gongzi? Nie-guniang? Have the two of you not returned to Qinghe yet?" Wei Xingsi addressed politely.

Nie Huaisang grinned. "Nope! Clearly not yet. We can't miss an opportunity to play around in Tanzhou, can we? Hey, Wei-xiong, why are you, your sister, Hanguang-jun, Lan-guniang, and Lan-er-guniang also here?"

Wei Wuxian pulled Nie Huaisang aside, explaining everything to him.

Wei Xingsi grinned at Nie Yilian. "We don't need to explain to you, do we?"

"Nope, I'm good!" Nie Yilian responded.

A while later, the group of seven found themselves at the back of a crowd that seemed to be obscuring a notice board of some kind.

"Hey, Lan Zhan! Let's go see what's going on," Wei Wuxian said.

Lan Wangji frowned, shifting away. "No. Too crowded."

"Come on, Lan Zhan! It's not crowded at all," Wei Wuxian argued, squeezing through the people. Suddenly stopping someone, he asked, "Excuse me, sir, what's going on here?"

His curiosity was soon satisfied when he learned that the people were queuing up for a chance to meet the Annual Flower Damsel.

"So, according to what you've heard, the Annual Flower Damsel has a piece of the Yin Iron?" Nie Yilian asked.

"Correct," Wei Wuxian confirmed.

However, when they managed to meet the Annual Flower Damsel, they were disappointed to find out that there was nothing for them to find. The only things that they saw were flowers, but among the brightly colored blossoms covering the ground, there was a single black feather.

"We're late," Lan Biyun sighed. "Wen Chao's been here already."


As they continued their journey, Lan Minghui, Wei Xingsi, Lan Biyun, Nie Yilian, Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, and Nie Huaisang eventually ended up at Dafan Mountain in the hours of early dusk.

"Where do we go now?" Nie Huaisang asked, a frown of worry settling over his face as he glanced over the top of his fan at the setting sun.

"Best thing to do now is to go search for shelter," Wei Xingsi suggested.

Wei Wuxian approached an elderly lady sitting nearby, and politely asked, "Excuse me, ma'am. My apologies for disturbing you, but do you know anywhere we could stay for the night?"

The elderly lady displayed no signs of having heard him, and continued to mutter inaudible words under her breath. Wei Wuxian raised his voice slightly, and repeated himself. But she still didn't appear to acknowledge the group of young cultivators. It took a while later before she finally stood up and beckoned at them to follow her.


"Thank you, ma'am," Lan Minghui said, bowing to express her gratitude to the elderly woman.

Night had fallen outside the cave, and the temperature had dropped. Lan Minghui adjusted herself into a half-lying, half-sitting position, pressing her sword between her chest and arms. She shivered, though not because of the chilly weather; living in the cool Cloud Recesses had already helped her adjust to cold weather. It was rather because of the sense of impending doom that was caused by the presence of the statue of the Heavenly Maiden. Of course she hadn't forgotten that the statue, which had been unsealed, would attack them in the middle of the night...

Falling asleep was the last thing Lan Minghui wanted to do right now. How could she do so, when she literally knew that she and her friends were going to be attacked in the middle of the night by a magic statue that suddenly starts moving? But Lan Minghui, who was used to the sleep-early-rise-early sleep schedule of the Gusu Lan Sect, felt her eyelids getting heavier and heavier as her body prepared to enter a sleeping state. The fact that she'd spent the entire day traveling didn't help, either...



-Li (里) = 500m (0.5km, ~0.3mi)

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