Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: Mo Dao Zu Shi and The Untamed do not belong to me. The settings, characters, and plot belong, respectively, to Mo Xiang Tong Xiu and the screenwriters of The Untamed. Here, only the plot of this fanfiction and my four OCs, Huang Minghui / Lan Minghui, Lan Biyun, Li Xingsi / Wei Xingsi, and Bai Yilian / Nie Yilian, are my creations. And an important reminder that this ISN'T REAL; please value your lives and do not try to get hit by a car to get this sort of adventure.

"I still don't understand why you didn't try using 'Zui Meng' yet," Wei Xingsi said.

That afternoon, after the exorcism, Lan Minghui, Wei Xingsi, Lan Biyun, and Nie Yilian sat in the library pavilion, deciding to try playing "Zui Meng" while infusing it with spiritual energy.

"I'm worried about possibly disastrous results," Lan Minghui explained, taking out Daiyi, her guqin. "Some people have volunteered to try, but I was too worried to let them try. Well, that's until you came along, Xingsi. You wouldn't stop pestering me, so I kind of have no choice other than to try it."

"Isn't this sort of like Empathy?" Nie Yilian asked.

"Not really," Lan Minghui clarified. "Empathy is only seeing someone's memories through their possession of you, while the purpose of this melody I'm hoping to achieve is to communicate with others through thoughts and dreams. Whose mind are we going to communicate in?"

Lan Biyun raised her hand. "We can use mine."

"And I'll get inside her mind," Wei Xingsi offered.

Lan Minghui nodded, breathing in deeply. Please let this go well...

Sliding her fingers onto the correct positions of the strings, she started to play, fusing her spiritual energy into the melody as she played. Upon reaching the end of the composition, Lan Minghui stopped playing. Turning over to Lan Biyun and Wei Xingsi, who were opening their eyes, she immediately asked, "How was it?"

"It worked," Wei Xingsi confirmed.

"Though I couldn't really hear Xingsi clearly," Lan Biyun added. "The volume was too inconsistent."

"Got it; thanks for the feedback. Biyun, can you help me with this?"


Lan Biyun, Lan Minghui, Wei Xingsi, and Nie Yilian spent the next couple hours or so retrying and editing "Zui Meng". By the time they had finally achieved a pleasing result, the last rays of the sun were dipping over the horizon, lighting up the world with a faint rose glow. Though they were tired, all of them were quite pleased with the final product, deciding to separate for the rest of the day.

Lan Minghui would've loved a nice, long, uninterrupted rest after the long day, but unfortunately, that couldn't be satisfied. She laid down at Hai Shi, falling asleep almost immediately, but about half a shichen later, she was shaken awake by a crash from one of the guest rooms. Lan Minghui wasn't very concerned; it was probably just the alcohol incident.

Deciding that she'd see what happened the next morning, she went back to sleep.


Lan Minghui had just exited her room to find Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian, Nie Huaisang, and Jiang Cheng kneeling before Lan Qiren, who was shouting (though not too loudly) at them. She backed away slightly at the sight of the four boys being hit with the discipline ferrules over and over again, not wanting to look. She could only say that she was lucky enough to have never received such a punishment.



Lan Xichen hurried over to his sister, who was sitting under a tree, reading a book.

"Yes, Xiongzhang?" Lan Minghui responded.

"Where's Wangji?"

"Didn't you send him to the cold springs earlier?"

"I did, but it's been several shichens since I did so!" Lan Xichen explained, a note of agitation buried within his voice. "Jiang-gongzi says that Wei-gongzi is also missing!"

I really wish I could tell you, but you wouldn't believe me if I did, would you?

"Should we gather up some people to go look for them?" Lan Minghui suggested.

Five days later

"There you are, Minghui!" Lan Meiqi called, finding Lan Minghui among a group of disciples. "Grandmaster Lan and Zewu-jun have requested your presence in Lan-xiansheng's study. We've found Wei-gongzi and Lan-er-gongzi."

Lan Minghui nodded. "Thank you for letting me know, Meiqi."

Finding her way to Lan Qiren's study, she walked in, greeting everybody present with a bow.

"Wangji, Wei-gongzi, are you two alright?" she asked.

Wei Wuxian grinned. "Don't worry about us, Lan-guniang! With me here, how could anything happen to us?"

Jiang Cheng and Wei Xingsi sighed at his behavior while Lan Qiren cleared his throat, frowning at him. "Yes, the two of them are perfectly fine. They fell into the back cave while they were at the cold springs, finding one of our predecessors, Lan Yi, and a piece of Yin Iron."

"Lan Yi-qianbei..." Lan Biyun murmured softly.

"Unfortunately, due to having used much of her spiritual energy to conceal the Yin Iron, Lan Yi-qianbei has passed away," Lan Wangji answered.

"What should we do about it?" Lan Minghui pondered.

Lan Xichen drew out Liebing, playing a melody in an attempt to subdue it. Placing it into a qiankun pouch, he sealed it, handing it to Lan Wangji. "Wangji, for the time being, please keep this piece of Yin Iron with you. We will figure something out later."


Nie Yilian, who hadn't been present during the discussion about the Yin Iron, was eager to hear everything. As her three friends recounted everything to her quietly, all of them couldn't help but feel their heartbeat speeding up rapidly.

"Everything is going to start going down from here," Wei Xingsi sighed.

"Can't argue with that," Lan Minghui agreed. Lan Biyun nodded, displaying her similar way of thinking.

Nie Yilian rolled her eyes. "WHY ARE YOU THREE SO DAMN MISERABLE AND PESSIMISTIC?! Look at the bright side! At least we're making our lanterns soon!"

Lan Minghui smiled sourly. "And that's going to go smoothly? Sure, sure..."

Nie Yilian just facepalmed. "Why am I the only optimist here?"

The next morning

It had rained the previous night. The leaves, grass, and blossoms were dotted with tiny, pearl-like raindrops that had yet to dry off, and a strong scent of fresh rain lingered in the air. As Lan Minghui made her way to class, Lan Xichen pulled her and Lan Biyun aside.

"Wen-gongzi came to the Cloud Recesses yesterday," Lan Xichen informed. "He didn't outright say it, but he hinted heavily that he wanted us to hand over our piece of the Yin Iron to the Qishan Wen Sect."

"That must be the reason we've heard about so many puppets lately," Lan Biyun remarked. "The Qishan Wen Sect must already have one."

Lan Xichen nodded. "And that's why I am sending you two and Wangji to go get the other pieces of Yin Iron. To stop the Qishan Wen Sect from getting them."

Lan Minghui nodded. "Understood."

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