19 - Pap Walk

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A few days later Chris and I decided it was time to take Dodger out for a walk and stop by the shop later in the day. As we were walking I knew I had to tell Chris about Damon the other day because ever since then even though I had turned off the tracking I still felt like I was being watched.

"So I need to tell you something..." I said.

"Okay, what's wrong?" Chris asked and I huffed a laugh.

"What makes you think something is wrong?" I asked.

"The tone you just used." Chris smiled at me. Even though he had the Boston cap on and his sunglasses I could still imagine the crinkles by his eyes that I loved when he smiled.

"I hate that you know me so well by now..." I trailed off and he placed his free arm that didn't have Dodger's leash around my shoulder.

"It's a gift I have and to be honest I mean within 5 minutes of meeting you I learned how scared you were of getting stuck in elevators so..." Chris trailed off sarcastically and I laughed. "So what do you have to tell me?" Chris continued.

I sighed, "Okay so the other day that those pictures of Dodger and I got released, the second round of pictures. Well as I was waiting for Dodger to play with some other dogs someone approached me. Damon approached me." I said and Chris groaned.

"How did he know where you were?" Chris grumbled.

"See that's the thing, when he and I dated I shared my location with him. I thought it was so he would know I was always safe but now I think of it as a controlling thing. Well when we broke up I forgot to remove the sharing. Well he said he looked it up and saw I was at the dog park which he thought was weird. I didn't think anything of it until last night. What if he is the one who was sharing all the pictures?" I asked and Chris groaned.

"Which would make sense as to why he invited you to that party. He knows you are with me and he was wanting to see if I would come with you so he could get the big payday selling pictures of us." Chris said and I nodded knowing he was most likely right.

"So what do you want me to do? I mean I have a few ideas but I would rather the legal teams handle it." Chris said and I shrugged.

"I mean I want to be left alone so maybe a restraining order or something for me and you. I don't know what else to do but I know that's who released the photos and my name. He is looking for a payday. I knew he was supposed to take over his dad's company but now I'm having to wonder if they cut him off." I explained.

"What is a reason they would cut him off?" Chris asked.

"Well, he didn't marry me so that's not a reason. I know his mom was most likely setting him up so with someone so the only thing I can think is he denied that relationship..." I said.

"They would cut him off for that?" Chris asked.

"He is going against their way of money makes the world go round." I said and Chris half nodded.

"Well, I will talk to Megan about the restraining order and we will go from there." Chris said and I nodded as he leaned down when I looked up to him and he kissed me.

We stopped walking and Chris left his lips close to mine. "Why are we stopping?" I asked.

"Okay well Megan called a photographer to come to and get pictures of us so we can control how they go out..." Chris trailed off and his lips were skimming mine.

"So, a set up pap walk. We just literally had a pap walk?" I groaned pulling away from him and he sighed.

"I'm sorry Bex but I wanted to control the narrative, and this was the only way." Chris said. We continued walking.

"And what is being said about me in this photo release? Do I get a say?" I asked and Chris nodded.

"You can. Megan was just going to have it say Chris Evans and new girlfriend Bexley Daniels take Dodger for a walk." Chris aid and I shook my head.

"Girlfriend is fine and even my first name but please don't publish my last name." I said and Chris nodded.

"What if we just said girlfriend?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Even better." I said and he smiled down at me as it was hard not to notice the guy taking our picture. Chris removed his arm from around me and he took my hand as we continued to walk.

After we walked the park, let Dodger play with some other dogs for a while we headed to the car. Chris opened my door and before I could get in, he pulled me flush against him.

"Thank you for being cool about the pap walk."

"What was I going to do Chris? You didn't even tell me until it was too late and seriously if we can control the narrative that's all I want to do." I said.

"That's all I want to and I text Megan and she will just put girlfriend in the statement. People can deal." Chris said and I smiled with a small nod. Chris leaned in and passionately kissed me and then opened my car door for me.

After we were both in the car Chris didn't start it or anything, he just sat there.

"Everything okay?" I asked confused.

"I want to bring something up to you, but I don't want to freak you out." Chris said and I just sighed.

"Chris, I have moved into your house for safety, we did a pap walk to release the relationship and I have been watching you dog. I don't know what else you can ask me that I would freak out about..." I said.

Chris just smirked at me, "I want you to meet my Ma." Chris stated.

I just blinked at him a little lost since he was just springing this on me.

"When?" I asked.

"Now, we can go there right now." Chris said. Chris started up the car before I could say anything else, and we headed out of the park.

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