Chapter 2: The Sleepover

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"No, no, no. Shit! I died again," said Danny, as he had been playing video games all Friday and now the majority of Saturday. Danny, still frustrated, realized he had been on the game all daylong and needed to take a break. "Alright guys, I'm going to get off for a bit. See you later," he said before shutting off the game and jumping in bed to scroll on his phone. It had been about 5 minutes before Danny started to notice the faint, girly laughter in the background.

"Ugh, she must be having another sleepover with her friends again," Danny thought as he kept scrolling on his phone. After a while of checking the time, he started to feel really bored and decided it would be a good idea to try and find something else to do other than electronics. "I could invite my friend Jack over," he thought before dismissing the idea as he realized he had already said he couldn't do anything this weekend as he had been grounded.

As he was contemplating what to do, he continued to hear laughter in the background, and that's when his mischievous smile grew. "I'll go spy on them!" Danny thought quickly, jumping out of bed.

As Danny reached the door that would lead him to the hallway, he opened it very slowly to make sure it didn't make a sound. He peered his head into the hallway, looking both ways, before he knew it was clear. Realizing he can't spy on them from her door, he would need to sneak outside to make it to her bedroom window.

As he thought this, Danny tiptoed down the hallway and past her room before making it to the front door. He then slowly opened the door, not wanting to make a noise to ruin his spy plan. Once the door was open, he stepped outside, closing the door the same way he had just opened it.

He then crept around the house, making his way over to her window, and now he could hear the voices of the girls inside. Once he reached it, he crouched down just below the window and slowly peaked his head up, hoping he wouldn't be seen.

As his eyes reached the window, he could now see inside to see Katie and two of her friends, Sarah and Aubrey. It seemed they had a bunch of dresses laid out and were having some kind of try-on-haul. He couldn't really tell exactly what they were doing, but they were wearing super sparkly dresses and making funny poses like they were on a runway, and laughter filled the room.

Danny found his eyes glued to the window, as he's always had a crush on Sarah. He watched her as she strutted around with her beautiful blonde hair swaying and wearing the most flowing, sparkly dress he had ever seen, with some nice tall heels to go along with it. "Wow! She's so pretty!" He thought as his eyes were growing with excitement, staring at her.

When he thought it couldn't get any better, he continued to watch Sarah, and it seemed like she was holding another dress, like she was thinking about trying it on

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When he thought it couldn't get any better, he continued to watch Sarah, and it seemed like she was holding another dress, like she was thinking about trying it on. Looking at the other girls, he saw them nod their heads in excitement. Sarah then laid the dress back on the bed before she started to undo her zipper.

"Omg! There's no way this is happening right now," Danny thought as he kept his eyes glued to Sarah, watching her pull down the zipper on the back of her dress. Danny was feeling his excitement grow, and his cock let out a little twitch as he realized she was a moment away from slipping the dress off her body.

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