Chapter 5: Home Alone

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It was now Tuesday, and Danny was still lying in bed despite school starting for the day. He decided to tell his mom and sister that he was sick even though he was fine, as he wanted to avoid Chad.

The more he thought about it, the more he was confused by the situation because he knew that Chad would pick on him, but he never expected it to go that far.

Despite Danny wanting to think more bad thoughts about the situation, he couldn't help but think about how it did turn him on. He just couldn't help but think about how helpless and feminine he felt in the situation.

He started to playback the entire events in his head from yesterday and couldn't help but start to get turned on as he thought about himself pressed up against the wall.

His mind kept racing about how cute he must have looked in his panties, and because he was home alone, he decided to fantasize in his mind for a while.

After a while, he thought about what else he could do to further push some of his newly developed fantasies. That's when he decided that since he was home alone, he could break into his sister's room once again and see if she owned any lingerie.

His mind flooded with thoughts of what would happen if Chad stepped into the stall with him and if he was in lingerie.

With this newly developed idea, he shot out of bed and grabbed a paper clip to go break into her room like he did last time.

He then headed out of his room and went to her door to start picking the lock. It took a couple minutes, but once he had it unlocked, he started to look through the drawers.

As he looked, it didn't take long for him to find a cute matching set of black lace lingerie to try on. Taking the pieces, he went back to his room, leaving everything else in her room as it was.

Once he had made his way back to his room, he had a bit of difficulty figuring out how to put everything on, but as he started to figure it out, he put on each piece one by one, enjoying the fabric against his skin and how everything felt. Pulling up the stockings, especially, was a new sensation that sent chills up his spine.

Once he had completely put on all the lingerie, his first course of action was to look in the mirror and see how he looked so his fantasies could run wild in his head.

As he stepped in front of the mirror, he instantly started to love the way everything hugged his body, and the slight bit of fat around his chest with the bra that hugged him made it look like he slightly had boobs

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As he stepped in front of the mirror, he instantly started to love the way everything hugged his body, and the slight bit of fat around his chest with the bra that hugged him made it look like he slightly had boobs.

He instantly started to fall in love with himself, and as guilty as he felt, he couldn't help but get super turned on.

Once he had gotten enough glances at himself, he got back in bed and caressed his body for quite a while. He decided it wouldn't hurt if he just continued to wear it until it was close to the end of the school day.

He kept lying there, spending time on his phone, and just admiring himself as he sat there. After a while, he started to find himself getting a bit sleepy and started to fall asleep due to the comfy fabric of the lingerie.

6 hours later

"Hey Danny! Wake the fuck up!! Why the fuck are you wearing my lingerie?" Katie yelled, standing over him.

Danny awoke with a sudden shock, instantly realizing that he had made a huge mistake, fallen asleep, and didn't wake up till after school ended.

Before he could even sit up, he found his ear being pulled and felt himself involuntarily move due to the pain.

"Ow, ow, hey, wait, stop, ow!" Danny said as he was getting dragged by his ear out of bed by Katie.

He found his feet, trying his best to follow, and it felt like he was being pulled forever.

Once she had let go of his ear, he realized that, in her rage, she had managed to bring him back into her room and was now standing there in the lingerie he had stolen.

"There are no buts or excuses in this situation, and I have caught you stealing once again!" Katie said, and she followed up by opening one of her drawers and taking out some more fabric.

She then laid them down and started to explain, "I'm not going to tell mom what has happened, and I'm also going to give you these bras as you clearly like them, but my generosity comes with a cost, and maybe this is the biggest thing I've asked from you this far."

Danny was sitting there confused, as she still seemed angry but was wondering what she wanted from him and why she wasn't running to tell mom. As Danny sat there wondering, Katie started continuing to talk, explaining the questions he had in his head.

"So, as you know, prom is coming up, and my boyfriend is taking me, but his brother needs a date, so you see what I want in exchange for not telling mom is for you to be his prom date," Katie said without it sounding negotiable.

"Wait, so you want me to go to prom dressed as a girl with this guy?" Danny answered in disgust, realizing he'd be seen by everyone.

"Yup, that's it! Now will you accept this offer, or will I need to tell mom so you get sent away to boarding school?" Katie said it with a threatening tone.

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