Chapter 6: A New Look

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"Won't everyone know it's me? Why would the guy go along with this?!?" Danny said it with a confused expression.

"Don't worry, I think with some changes we can make you undetectable! No one will know it's you!" Katie explained.

Danny was now confused about how she could do this and still wasn't completely sure. "Look, I'll prove it to you. If I can make you look like a girl in an hour, you have to accept, deal?" Katie asked and pulled out her hand, awaiting a handshake for an agreement.

Danny decided that if no one knew it was him, he could do a night as a girl as long as he didn't get sent away. Considering this information, he brought out his hand and shook hers, signifying the agreement.

She then got him seated at her vanity and told him to close his eyes as she worked her magic.

Katie started off by applying makeup and trying to make him as pretty as possible. Once she had applied everything, she told him to open his eyes to reveal the first part of his transformation process.

Danny opened his eyes, seeing a faint girl staring back at him, and he really started to see it. He tried his best not to, but an accidental smile crept on his face.

"Wow, I look kind of pretty," he thought, staring at the lipstick on his lips

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"Wow, I look kind of pretty," he thought, staring at the lipstick on his lips.

"Ok, calm down and close your eyes again; we aren't done," Katie said, seeing his slight bit of excitement.

Danny closed his eyes and heard as she dyed his hair and washed it out in the sink, and then she put products in it and styled it, adding waves and volume to his hair. After a bit of time and some blow drying, she told him to open his eyes once again, and he now looked at his beautiful new wavy hair.

"It looks so silky and soft," Danny accidentally said out loud and started to blush, realizing how hard he was admiring himself.

Katie was smiling and almost giggling, seeing how much Danny was showing enjoyment despite trying to hide it. She thought it was pretty cute how hard he was trying not to show interest.

"Oh, one final touch," Katie said as she removed Danny's glasses and threw a floral dress over his head.

"We will get you some contacts; if you have the same glasses on, people might recognize you," Katie followed up and explained.

Danny heard her words but couldn't stop staring, as the removal of the glasses was a good final touch, and he slipped his arms into the dress. His vision may have been a bit blurry, but all he saw in the mirror was a girl, and he couldn't help but start to feel the same warm, fuzzy feelings he had experienced when he first wore panties.

 His vision may have been a bit blurry, but all he saw in the mirror was a girl, and he couldn't help but start to feel the same warm, fuzzy feelings he had experienced when he first wore panties

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"Ok, fine, you win. All I see is a girl, so I'll do it." Danny said, realizing how much better of a choice it would be to dress up as a girl for a night instead of getting sent away.

"Yay, I'm so happy you accepted. I'll let him know!" Katie said it with a grin on her face.

Danny then left her room, leaving the makeup on as he wanted to keep it on a bit longer, and went back to his room to take a few pictures.

After about an hour had gone by, he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in!" Danny said, as he could tell from the knock, that it was Katie.

"Hey Danny I have an update on your prom date!" Katie said as she entered the room.

Danny, wanting to know if it was happening or not, instantly sat up in anticipation for what she was going to say next.

"So I was wondering if you would want to go on a double date with us so you can get to know each other; well, of course, I'm really just telling you this because you have to go," Katie explained.

Danny's face soon turned to shock, realizing that he would actually have to do this soon and on more than one occasion. He realized he didn't have much time to practice being a girl before this date, and he was dreading the chances of getting caught.

"If this ever got back to any of my friends, I'd be done for," he thought as he tried to process the information.

"Ok, I guess I have no choice," Danny finally said.

"Ok great! It's going to be tomorrow night!" Katie said it with an excited expression.

Danny realized it was even worse than it seemed, and he really had no time to prepare. Deciding he needed to know more, he asked her one more question.

"Hey Katie, what's the name of this guy anyway?" Danny said timidly.

"Oh, I think you might know him; his name is Chad," Katie said.

"Wait, the guy on the football team?" Danny said it with complete horror, remembering the events of yesterday.

"Yep, that's him! I'll let him know you said yes!" Katie said this before leaving the room to text the boys and for Danny to be alone again.

Danny then sat there in shock, realizing that he was going on a double date with his bully and had just agreed to go with him to prom as well...

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