Chapter 8: Undercover

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"Bella! Get up! You have to get up early, remember?" Katie yelled, standing over him as he slept.

Danny shot up out of his sleep, remembering that today would be the day that he would be disguised as a girl going to school. He almost slept too long, as he stayed up almost all night continuing his voice training.

He quickly got out of bed and followed Katie as she told him to come to her room to get him ready for the day. As they made their way into her room, Danny saw an outfit laid out on the bed.

"Oh, since you're smaller than me, I'm giving you my old school uniforms that no longer fit me, and it'll be ok since they haven't changed the design." Katie said.

She then sat Danny down and started to do his makeup and hair like usual.

"Soon you need to learn how to do this yourself," Katie said as she was doing his makeup.

"Yeah, I guess I do," Danny said, thinking about how he got himself into this situation. Danny then realized how it was even possible to go to school like this, and some questions formed in his mind.

"Hey Katie, what are we going to tell the school about who I am?" Danny said as he realized this was getting a lot bigger than just prom.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, but I let mom in on the secret, and she is actually really happy, as she's always wanted another daughter! She's actually already talked with the principal, and you know they have been friends since she was little, so you are getting a new class schedule, and on your records, you will now appear as female and with your new name as Bella." Katie explained all at once.

Danny then started to realize that this secret has gone a lot further than he had wanted, and he will probably be stuck acting like a girl for the rest of the year!

He just realized that he can't really do anything about it, and hopefully he can just switch back once summer starts.

While he was processing all of this new information, Katie finished his makeup and hair for the day, showing him that she went with a lighter look this time.

He looked back and saw the girl that he had been seeing every time he looked in the mirror, and he always loved the sight of it.

He then went over to the school uniform and put on the clothing piece by piece. He really liked how the knee-high socks felt and also had never gotten a chance to try flats, which he found quite comfortable. Once he had the complete uniform on and was ready for school, he walked over to the mirror to see what he looked like.

Walking over to the mirror and standing in front of it, he saw the cutest girl staring back at him and instantly fell in love with himself, loving how everything looked. He just hoped that he looked good enough at school so no one would realize he was Danny.

After staring for a while, he realized Katie was probably waiting in the car for him now, and he headed out the door to join her

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After staring for a while, he realized Katie was probably waiting in the car for him now, and he headed out the door to join her.

Once he got to the car, they headed to school, and on the way there, Katie let Danny know to stop by the office so Danny could get his new schedule.

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