Chapter 11: Prom Preparations

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Danny, or, should I say, Bella, is having a very busy week. Not only is she having to prepare for prom, but she is also making sure everything goes smoothly with getting payback on Chad.

Bella has already made a plan to tell Chad she would be running late and to just meet at prom. Bella thought this would be a good idea since it allows her to actually show up with Jack, and knowing Chad's ego, he will probably embarrass himself further by making a big scene out of it.

Bella has also had to do a lot of lying to Chad, as she has coordinated a fake bouquet and a dress. She wanted him to show up with the wrong matching colors as well, so he would even know it was planned to further enrage him.

The plan felt pretty foolproof as long as Chad didn't catch on to it. To make sure Chad didn't see anything, it was now Thursday morning, and Bella didn't go to school. Instead, she went with her sister to get her nails done and to pick up her real prom dress. 

Bella ended up telling Katie about what Chad had done to her in the past, and Katie, being understanding, decided to help her. She didn't go to school because if she did, she would have to run into Chad, and she also decided to skip tomorrow because she would be getting ready for prom anyway.

With this plan, she was now headed to the nail salon and was happy with the foolproof plan she had created.

Once they arrived at the nail salon, Bella and Katie headed inside. Bella had let Katie take over the creative process, so Bella had no clue what the nails or even her prom dress were going to look like.

Bella sat down at the salon and closed her eyes, as Katie wanted everything to be a surprise. After that, the nail technician got to work, and Bella kept her eyes closed. After a while, she found herself in a daydream, thinking about Jack.

She then started to contemplate in her head about Jack, wondering if she wanted more and if they should stay friends or not. Bella couldn't really come to a decision but did know she was attracted to him.

Her daydreaming was eventually interrupted, as it wasn't long before the nail technician was done, and Katie was telling Bella to open her eyes for the big reveal.

Bella opened her eyes and took a look at her hands to reveal some pink, sparkly acrylic nails!

It wasn't what she was expecting, but she really loved the way they looked, and it started to make her wonder what her prom dress could look like

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It wasn't what she was expecting, but she really loved the way they looked, and it started to make her wonder what her prom dress could look like.

"I love them! Thank you, Katie!" Bella said as they left the nail salon and headed toward the car to pick up Bella's prom dress.

It was about a 10-minute drive, and Bella's patience was growing thin as she found herself wanting to see the prom dress.

They made it to the shop and quickly entered. They went up to the lady working in the store, asking for the dress, and a minute or two later she came out of the back with a dress.

It had a zippered garment on it, so Bella was unable to tell what it looked like. Katie and Bella, wanting to see it, decided that she would try it on before she left the store, so she took the dress to the back to try it on.

Bella, once inside the changing room, unzipped the garment and pulled the dress out, seeing that it was pink and sparkly, matching her new nails.

Her eyes admired the dress, and she couldn't help but immediately want to put it on. She stepped into it as quickly as she could and put it on. She loved how it felt as she brought it up her body.

Now having it over her shoulders, she stepped out of the changing room and got Katie to finish zipping it up in the back. Picking up the dress to not step on it, she walked over to the mirror to see what she looked like in the pink, sparkly prom dress.

Looking at her reflection, she couldn't help but admire herself, loving how pretty the dress was and how pretty she looked in it despite not even being fully done up

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Looking at her reflection, she couldn't help but admire herself, loving how pretty the dress was and how pretty she looked in it despite not even being fully done up.

After a few minutes of looking at herself, she became really excited for prom and eventually went back to the changing room to take it off.

After that, they left the store with the new prom dress, and Bella was super excited.

She found herself texting Jack every detail about her day and making sure that every detail was set up, as she didn't want prom to be ruined in the slightest. She also just really wanted to talk to Jack.

Despite them being close friends, it felt like they were closer than ever before, and their conversations have now been a lot more flirty than they used to be.

It seemed that they were beginning to develop genuine feelings for each other, but they weren't sure where it was going to go.

Although it was for sure heading in one direction, and that was a sexual one, as Bella found herself teasing Jack with lewd pictures that night.

They were having a conversation about their prom outfits when Bella decided to let Jack know what she would be wearing underneath, which led to her sending a picture of her in the pink panties that she was going to wear prom night.

They were having a conversation about their prom outfits when Bella decided to let Jack know what she would be wearing underneath, which led to her sending a picture of her in the pink panties that she was going to wear prom night

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Jack was clearly liking it, and it led to a lot of flirty texts sent between them all night.

Jack was telling Bella how he was going to fuck her after prom, and they both texted with lust, excited for tomorrow. They couldn't help but want to get their sexual desires out as Bella found a new side of herself, and Jack was loving every minute of it.

The night kept growing later and later, and they started to get tired and eventually told each other goodnight. However, Bella had a hard time going to sleep that night as she was so excited for prom for multiple reasons. She could not only wait to see Jack, but she could not also wait to see the look on Chad's face when he realizes that he doesn't have a date and that he has been stood up.

In Bella's mind, it was only filled with excitement. Her thoughts were only filled with prom, and she no longer had thoughts of going back to being Danny or a boy at all, but maybe it was just not on her mind at the moment.

It was still unsure if this was just a phase of excitement for the moment or if she was actually going to forget about being Danny and the boy she once was, but it will probably depend on how prom goes tomorrow as it may be a point of no return...

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