Chapter 4: School

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"Danny!! Danny! Get up, Danny, it's time for school; you are running late!" Katie said as she was yelling outside his door.

Danny awoke with a shock from his sleep and instantly checked the time, seeing that he didn't have much time to get ready.

"Ok, I'm coming!!" Danny said as he started to get dressed as quickly as possible.

"You have 5 minutes, and I'm waiting in the car!" Katie said with a hurried tone.

As Danny started to get ready, he was annoyed with himself at how his sister has a car and he doesn't. "It's so unfair," he thought as he realized how she's clearly mom's favorite.

Once Danny had some clothes on, he quickly brushed his teeth and combed his hair. He then quickly ran out the door, as he was sure his sister wouldn't be afraid to leave him.

He hopped in the car, and they quickly made their way to school to not be late. Once they had made it into the parking lot, they found themselves quickly heading in and splitting up to make their way to their first period classes.

As Danny sat down just in time before the bell rang, he let out a sigh and almost started to fall back asleep before he was quickly awoken to the greeting of his best friend Jack.

Jack was similar to Danny, as they both got into trouble at home but were kind of nerdy as they weren't very high in social standing. Jack was also similar, as he lacked the looks and physical attributes as well.

"Hey Danny! How was your weekend? I hope it was good even though we couldn't hang out," Jack said

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"Hey Danny! How was your weekend? I hope it was good even though we couldn't hang out," Jack said.

"Oh, hey Jack, it was an unexpected weekend, but I'd say I enjoyed it," Danny said, giving him a vague answer to what had really happened.

"Oh, that's great to hear! We can do something this weekend if you want." Jack said as he was waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan!" Danny said before turning his attention to the teacher as class had started to begin.

Danny's day began to be very normal, like his other days at school. He got by in his classes, talking to the few friends he had. His day was going pretty well until his final period of the day arrived, which was gym...

As Danny had walked into the gym, multiple thoughts had set in with panic. "I have to change into my gym clothes, but I'm still wearing panties! And even if I do get away with it, everyone will see my smooth legs in these gym shorts!" He frantically thought, trying to figure out what he would do.

He should have realized this days ago, but he didn't. He doesn't always think very far ahead, as he's not the best at pre-planning.

As he made his way into the locker room, he thankfully found an empty stall, so no one would see his panties. He was successfully able to change without a problem, although he thought his legs looked way too good, hairless, but he just hoped it was only noticeable to him.

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