Chapter 10: Jack

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Danny awoke with his head pounding, wondering how he had fallen asleep so early. He slowly sat up and looked around for his phone until he saw it on a side table.

He crawled over to the phone and picked it up, checking the time and seeing that it was already 11 a.m. He then got up, put his stuff together, and looked around for the other girls. He found them in another room, still asleep, and realized they must have stayed up much later than he had.

He didn't want to leave them, but he knew he had to meet Jack at his house soon, so he decided to leave a note that he had gone home.

After he had written it and left it for them, he left their house, and he texted Katie to pick him up. It took about 10 minutes of waiting, but she eventually came by, and he was headed back home.

Once Danny got home, he felt exhausted and headed towards his bedroom. Once he was inside, he looked at his bed and saw a few outfits. He realized Katie must have given him a few outfits to wear now. He also looked at his desk and saw his own makeup and a mirror as well.

He looked around and noticed that while he was gone, it was like Katie got him everything he needed to do everything himself!

With the opportunity, he decided it would be a good time to freshen up before Jack showed up, so he went and hopped in the shower. Once he got out, he picked out one of the brand new outfits and then sat down at his desk and did his makeup and hair.

Once he had completed his hair and makeup, he went over to the outfit he had selected and started to put on his clothes. He had picked out a bra, panties, a crop top, and a skirt. He thought it was a cute, casual little fit he could wear, and he generally liked it. Once he had slipped all of it on, he just had to go check himself out in the mirror for a second.

Even in such a basic outfit, he couldn't help but admire himself once again, and he loved the way he looked

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Even in such a basic outfit, he couldn't help but admire himself once again, and he loved the way he looked. He kept admiring himself for quite awhile until a sound interrupted his admiration.

Ding Dong!

The front door bell had rung, and Danny knew it had to have been Jack.

Danny looked back at the mirror, fixed his hair, and made sure it was perfect before he sighed and left his room towards the front door.

He went all the way to the front door, put his hand around the door knob, and hesitated a moment before opening it.

Once he opened the door, he was met with a smile on Jack's face, and Danny just gave him a smile back.

"Hey, Bella, what's up?" Jack said.

"Oh, come in! Nothing much; I'm doing great, Jack!" Bella said in response.

Once Jack got inside, he immediately asked the question that Danny wasn't ready to hear.

"So, uh, where is Danny?" Jack said curiously.

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