Chapter 3: New Desire

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It was now the end of the weekend and a Sunday, late in the morning. It was the next day after Danny's sister had friends over, and because of that late night they had, the house fell quiet as everyone was still sleeping. Danny's Mom is probably awake, but she is normally not very attentive and keeps to herself a lot as she is always drowning herself in work to not think about her divorce. Although it hasn't been too bad for Danny and Katie, as they are old enough to take care of themselves, it just normally gives them extra freedom.

Danny had been lying in bed, recollecting his thoughts from the night before, and was hoping none of the girls would share anything that happened with anyone else, as if it ever got back to his friends, he would never hear the end of it.

Then he started to think about how the fabric felt and how it looked. It was so soft on his body and was even more beautiful to look at. He loved the way he remembered seeing the dress give him some slight curves and just how it looked. 

The more he thought about it, the more it flooded his mind with new thoughts, and he then remembered that he had forgotten about the cute panties that he had thrown into his drawer a few days prior.

Danny started to lean across the bed to reach his bedside table. Once he made it across, he opened the bedside table drawer and reached and felt around inside until his hand had located a soft-feeling material. He grabbed the panties and took them out of the drawer to bring them up to his face to look at.

They were still the same pink panties with the little bow on them from before, except that when he stared at them, he felt different. He now felt a new desire, one that he had recently started to feel. He thought back to how the panties fit snuggly around his crotch and waist and wanted to experience that feeling once again.

"Fuck it," Danny thought, and he set down the panties and immediately began to take off his boxers while still lying in bed. Once he had taken them off, he only had a t-shirt on and picked the panties back up. He brought his knees to his chest to get his legs and feet closer to him as he was still lying down. Once he had brought his legs closer to him, he started to slip his feet into the panties. Once his feet were in the holes, he started to pull up the panties to feel that familiar soft fabric against his legs once again. He kept sliding the panties up until they reached right before his butt.

He had to push his feet against the bed slightly, bringing up his butt, so he could finish slipping the panties around his butt. Once he had gotten them on, he felt a new feeling of being comfortable. He felt safer and more snug than ever before, as he was looking down and admiring himself. He started to caress around the panties, loving how they felt, and he couldn't resist the soft fabric against his skin.


As he was in his own thoughts, he didn't notice it right away, but he eventually started to hear the sound and realized his bedroom door was opening. He quickly grabbed the blanket beside him and frantically covered his whole body, hoping that whoever was opening the door didn't see anything.

 He quickly grabbed the blanket beside him and frantically covered his whole body, hoping that whoever was opening the door didn't see anything

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