Chapter thirteen

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Inside the house, Eira met her parents in the living room. "Oh sweetheart, where have you been? I have been trying to reach you". Her mum said. Eira hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. "I was just at Mike's house, mom. We were studying for a test. I was going to text you but I totally forgot". She smiled sheepishly and avoided mentioning Lyrien and the prophecy, unsure how her parents would react.
Her mom's expression softened. "Okay, dear. I was worried sick. Your father and I need to talk to you about something. Eira's heart skipped a beat. What did they know? Did they have any idea about what was happening to her?
Her father who had been quietly observing the exchange, spoke up. "Eira, why don't you come sit down". He gestured to a sofa. She nodded and did as he said. "We have been noticing strange occurrences around the house. Doors opening on their own, objects moving. We think it might be related to your..... abilities".
Eira's eyes widened, surprised that her parents were aware of her strange powers. "What do you mean?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Her father's words hung in the air, and Eira's mind raced with questions. "What abilities? What's going on? She felt like she was living in a dream, with everything shifting around her.
Her mother spoke up, a gentle smile on her face. "Eira, sweetie, we have been waiting for the right time to tell you. You have a special gift, one that's been passed down through our family for generations".
Eira's heart raced as her parents exchanged a knowing glance. "What is it? she pressed
Her father took a deep breath. "You have the power to control the elements, Eira. Earth, air, water, fire - they are all connected to you". Eira's eyes widened in disbelief. "That's impossible!" But deep down, she knew it was true. She had always felt a strange connection to nature.
"How am I connected to the elements?" She asked them. "And how could you keep this away from me". Her parents exchanged a guilty look, and her father spoke up.
"We were trying to protect you, Eira. Your mother and I......we come from a long line of elemental guardians. We were tasked with keeping the balance of nature intact.
Eira's eyes widened in shock. "Elemental guardians? What do you mean?"

Okayyyyy. So Eira's parents knows about what is happening to her..... Isn't that shocking!!! What do you guys think will happen??
Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks for reading 💞

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