Chapter 14

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Alex's P.O.V

"Hey" Johnnie popped up from nowhere as I stepped out through into the school corridor. I immediately pulled my sleeves further down my arms (even though they were already covered.)

"Oh, hi" I replied back, walking past him and letting him follow behind me.

"What's wrong?" Johnnie asked, immediately running up to me.

"Nothing" I smiled.

"It's something and you're telling me" Johnnie demanded, running in front of me and rooting himself there, in the school corridor which was full of staring people.

"Dude, people are staring. I'm fine and nothing's wrong, I'll talk to to when we get home because I've got to go to lesson now. Bye" I quickly spoke, leaving Johnnie alone in the corridor as I rushed for the last lesson. I needed to get away and calm down for a bit, then I would be fine.

I practically ran into my next class (which was IT - so basically watching YouTube videos.) I then took a seat at my designated seat which was at the back of the classroom and logged into the school computer as the bell rang. As soon as I heard the high pitched voices and squeals, I then knew who had walked in. Miranda, Betty and Lynn took their seat which was far from mine and sat down together. It was really unfair that everyone was sat next to a friend and I wasn't - not that I had a friend in this class but still.

With plugged in earphones, I clicked The Kill by Thirty Seconds To Mars before the music started flowing my earphones and into my brain, giving me a feeling of happiness and warmth. My music always had this effect on me. Knowing that band members genially cared for me and wasn't just in it for the money. Knowing that I always had one reliable and stable thing in my life. Knowing that I could always turn to them. These bands were more than bands. They were family.

"Oh my" Miranda laughed. I could only hear her faintly through my music and I'd rather listen to my music than her annoying and yappy voice.

"Is that...Alex?" I heard another voice and, my name being mentioned, I was intrigued and discreetly turned my music down whilst pretending to not being able to hear. I looked up snidely from my computer screen as the group was standing a couple rows ahead of me. There was the three bitches and another person with paper in her hand. I recognised the other person but I didn't pay much attention and she seemed to get along with the three girls too much to like me.

"Yeah. Alex from this class. Alex Dorame. We found out about her YouTube channel first and we think everyone should know" Betty giggled whilst clicking her mouse on her computer.

"Cheers for letting us know. She won't live this down" The other girl high-fived them all before walking out the room. I assume she only came in here to grab some paper and to return to her class.

"Class!" I heard sir cry as he waved his arms in the air to indicate for us all to look his way. I paused my music and looked to the side of me (the direction the teacher was standing.) Everyone turned their heads and stopped talking.

"I'm heading out for a couple of minutes because I'm photocopying something and I have to talk with someone about an incident this morning so I can trust you to be alone, can't I?" Sir asked. A wave of heads bopped up and down before sir walked out.

"Let's look at a quick YouTube video guys!" Miranda cackled and got up from her seat and drifted towards sir's computer (which was hooked up to the interactive smart-board and projector - so we could see what she was doing and we could see an enlarged version of it.)

I saw Johnnies YouTube channel put up on the big screen. I had no idea why because he wasn't here but I watched intently. Just as silence struck the room, the clip played. I knew this video. It was on My Digital Escape and it was Johnnies most private video. It was called "I tried to kill myself" and Johnnie cried in it and expressed himself. I remember him filming and how he cried hours after he first opened up. I cried with him as we both shared our experiences.

As the play button got clicked and the video played, my heart filled with sadness. Partially from being reminded of how strong Johnnie was. For going through what he went through and yet whilst being so positive - it was shocking. But I was sad because everyone was going to watch and joke about Johnnie opening up.

"Hey, I'm Johnnie..." The video spoke as everyone turned their heads to face the screen. They were already laughing.

I should say something. I was going to say something if it went too far...wasn't I?

"OMG! Johnnie looks like he's been crying!" One voice ringed out.

"He hasn't changed one bit! He's spots are still as bright red and ugly as they are now!" Another spoke.

"Just stop!!!" I yelled, getting up from my seat. Omg, what do I do now? My heart beat faster as panic surged through my body. People were staring at me and I was the centre of attention...I didn't like it one bit.

"What, is the Emo going to stick up for the Emo? That's shocking...." A sarcastic comment drifted through the room. Was I going to stick up for myself? I wish I was more like Johnnie in his confidence.

"Yes. I am. It's not right. You shouldn't be doing this. He's crying about his dad dying and you're laughing and insulting him. You're not right in the head! I'm glad I'm nothing like you. Your parents must be proud!" I shouted, addressing the whole class but mainly the three at the front.

"Ahha, how pathetic. Was that meant to upset us?" Lynn laughed.

"No. It's the truth" I simply replied

"Awww, did we upset you? Did we upset the Emo slut? Awww, maybe you should cut yourself and post a video online about how bad your life is?" Miranda mockingly said in the tone a mother would speak to her baby.

"Shut the fuck up!! You're a fucking bitch and everyone knows it! Just because you know a couple of people doesn't make you popular! Just because you fuck everything with a pulse, doesn't mean that people like you! You're a slut and if people idolise you for it, then society is almost as wrong as your nose job!!!" I screamed now, the whole class staring. Once it got off my chest, I didn't wish I took it back like most people would because it was a small amount of built up anger from all these years. All my life. And I finally stuck up for myself. I took a deep breath before sitting down.

"Alex!!!!!! Get here now Miss Dorame!!!" I heard Sir's voice across the room. Oh shit! How much did he hear before? Did he hear any at all?

I got up from my seat, logged off my computer and walked outside because sir was holding the door open for me. As soon as the door closed, sir screamed at me.

"Alex!! I heard all of that!! You're going to be reported for unacceptable behaviour and you will be quoted!!" He screamed, red-faced.

"They put a video of Johnnie-" I started to explain before I was interrupted.

"No! I don't care what they did! Only what you did! Get back in lesson and expect a visit from the head teacher very soon as soon as she hears what you did!" He responded.

I turned around and opened the door. As I took my seat, a smug smile from Miranda, Lynn and Betty was directed to me.


Sorry for the slow update! I've been doing my other stories but I put one on hold so more updates for you! I'm sorry if this chapter is crappy. I hope you like it <3

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