Chapter 31

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Alex's P.O.V

"Who? Who will we be seeing more of?" I asked Johnnie.

"Jeydon. He says that him and Jordan have been talking. He reckons he can come back but Samm isn't going to" Johnnie explained.

"So that will be me, you, Bryan, Kyle, Meghan, Shannon, Jeydon and Jordan" I thought out loud.

"Yeah" Shannon smiled, liking the idea of it.

"Apart from me" Meghan spoke from the top of the stairs.

"What? Why?" I sounded confused. I understand that in the beginning it was a bit off but I really like Meghan right now.

"Its just...I'm a but claustrophobic and I need my own space. I'd love to come here but living here is a bit much. I also have my mum to think about" Meghan explained.

"We can't stop you from leaving but it will be a shame. You can stay around whenever and come around whenever" I replied to Meghan.

"I have told Kyle. He says that he's upset but he will still see me around" Meghan agreed.

"It'll be a shame. When are you leaving?" I asked, intrigued. I was upset about it. I was really starting to get along with her but I can see where she's coming from; with Bryan, me, Johnnie, Shannon, Jordan, Jeydon and Kyle it was starting to feel a little cramped.

"Later today actually" Meghan confessed.

"I'm actually gonna miss you. You must be around all the time" I hugged Meghan.

"Yeah. Me too" I smiled.


"When are they coming?" Kyle asked. I assumed they were talking about Jordan and Jeydon.

"Soon they said" Johnnie replied.

"It's going to be awesome" I smiled. I couldn't wait. It was going to be fun and there is going to be loads of new videos.

"Yeah. Alex, can I talk to you?" Johnnie asked me.

"Ermm...yeah?" I questioned. He could just talk to me front of everyone else.

Johnnie got up and left the room so I followed him all the way to my room.

"Why?" I laughed, a bit scared because he looked serious.

"Nothing in particular, just wanted you alone" Johnnie smiled.

"Oh" I laughed.

"Everyone's going out tonight. I think we should as well" He stuttered slightly, reminding me of the first date I had with him. He was so nervous talking to me but it was great that he and I felt comfortable with each other.

"Oh my god yes!!" I immediately responded. Was this the bit where I played hard to get? Woops...

"Woah...okay. Later. For now, we're shooting a MDE video downstairs so come on" Johnnie giggles, holding his hand out for me. I blushed at the gesture.

"Cool" I responded, taking his hand and walking downstairs with him.

"Hey there I'm Shannon and I'm here with Bryan and Kyle" Shannon grinned at the camera.

"Annnddd Johnnie and Alex" Johnnje included.

"Yup and we're here playing Never Have I Ever" Shannon continued as Johnnie and I sat on each arms of the sofa.

*after the video*

"I've got to go but I'll be back soon. Get yourself ready and I'll get ready when I'm back" Johnnje instructed while grabbing his coat and dragging Bryan and Kyle with him.

"Okay. See you later" I told them all.

"Remember, dress fancy because we're going to a restaurant" Johnnie spoke.

"Okay" I agreed before all the boys left, leaving Shannon and Meghan with me.

"What the hell do I do? I have no fancy clothes!" I panicked as soon as the door shut.

"It's fine. I've got this really nice grey short dress which you could wear with a black cardigan" Meghan offered, reassuring me.

"Thanks SOOO much!!" I smiled ear from ear.

"Go! Change into it and then Meghan can do your makeup and I'll do your hair" Shannon explained the scheme for tonight.

"Thanks. I'll go now" I rushed upstairs with Meghan so she could give me her dress to borrow...I'm so unprepared. I never thought I would get a guy let alone the guy of my dreams.


"He'll be here any minute" I started panicking. I was pacing around the living room; the anticipation too much. My hair was down and straightened while I was wearing Meghan's dress and my black cardigan. I was also wearing my high heels.

"Calm down! He said that he still needs to get ready so there's no need to be this nervous yet" Meghan pointed out.

"So I should be nervous later?" I asked.

"No. He's Johnnie and you're Alex...why would you be nervous? You're perfect for each other. This date is going to be amazing. Think of it this way, it's like you're at home with each other eating dinner but in a restaurant instead" Meghan tried comforting me.

"I suppose" I answered.

I couldn't wait for tonight but, at the same time, I could wait for an eternity. I'm so nervous and nothing anyone was going to say could calm my nerves.


"Who's that?" Shannon asked, walking over to the window and curtains to look outside. Her jaw dropped once she saw what was outside. What was it?

"I can't believe it!! Meghan, come here!!" Shannon exclaimed, looking so excited.

"Coming!!" Meghan grinned, walking over to the curtains. She was just as shocked as Shannon was but started smiling after.

"What's wrong?" I worried.

"Nothing" They both giggled like school children.

"Ermm...okay" I shrugged off.


"That will be Johnnie" Meghan grinned.

"Oh god...I'm so nervous" I breathed in deeply.

"Answer the door!" Shannon urged.

"He's still got to get ready though" I informed them all.

I walked to the door and opened it. I was stunned to say the least. Johnnie was in a suit and just behind him I could see a limo.

"Ermm...what's that?" I asked, little nervous if...

"Our limo for the night" Johnnie proudly smiled. That's what Shannon and Meghan saw outside.

"Oh my god, you don't have to do all this for me" I blushed.

"I know I don't. I want to. You're my everything and I want you to know how perfect you are" Johnnie leaned in before he grabbed me in an embrace and kissed me.

"Where's Kyle and Bryan?" I asked after the kiss.

"They're making their own way back" Johnnie told me.

"Cool" I replied.

"Let's go. Hopefully you'll enjoy yourself as much as I think you will" Johnnie told me.

This was going to be a date that I remember.


It's been nearly a month since I updated!! Wtf?? I'm so sorry. I'm not going to be updating for a while because I've got my geography, French and additional science GCSE's soon. Anyway, thanks for the comments and votes and the reads!! I love you so much and I'm sorry about taking forever and not updating in a while. I've just got GCSE's and shit like that. Hope you can understand. Love you guys ~ Tiff xxxx

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